A gunman terrifies Germany.. He shot his mother dead and took hostages

He shot his mother dead and took hostages
Dresden, Germany / Social media

This Saturday, a police spokesman in Dresden, Germany announced that the hostage situation had ended after the assailant gave himself up. It was also confirmed that this person responsible for his mother’s murder at age 62.

‘Situation under control’

The spokesperson has confidently declared that “the situation is secure and there are no risks to tourists visiting the center of Dresden”.

In the midst of a hostage-taking situation, German police began an operation in Dresden’s city center early this morning.

According to media sources, such as the newspaper “Bild”, a man allegedly armed with a firearm barricaded himself in a store within the confines of a shopping center after opening fire on the building housing an influential radio station located in Saxony.

“Kill a woman and run away”

Bild reported that after murdering a 62-year-old woman in her Dresden apartment, the 40-year old shooter hid himself in the nearby mall.

Radio Dresden surmised that the homicide was associated with the kidnapping, especially since the proximity between both events wasn’t much.

Christmas market closed

The Dresden police are executing an operation in the city center due to a possible hostage-taking situation, according to a recent statement. As part of this action, all nearby shopping centers and Christmas markets have been closed for safety reasons.