Video He called the court via Zoom…and got into big trouble

Footage from a Michigan court hearing has gone viral, showing defendant Corey Harris, who had a suspended driver’s license, joining a video call from behind the wheel.

In the video, District Judge Cedric Simpson reacts in disbelief as Harris makes a call. The visible seat belt indicates that the defendant is defying the court order by driving, despite having a suspended license.

“Mr. Harris, are you driving?” Judge Simpson asked the defendant. “Actually, I’m going to my doctor’s office. So just give me one second… I’m parking now,” Harris replied.

Footage from the Zoom call reveals the legal teams in court standing in shock, while those seated at the back struggle to suppress their laughter.

The judge, stunned and confused, then asked whether Harris was driving or in a parked car, to which he replied: “Just give me a second.”

According to the law, for a first offense, one instance of driving with a suspended license in Michigan can result in a $500 fine and up to 93 days in jail. A second offense could mean a year in prison and a $1,000 fine.

In an effort to minimize the inevitable evidence against Harris, his public defender requested a postponement of up to four weeks, pending the court’s approval. However, a perplexed Judge Simpson remarked, “Perhaps I’m missing something. This is a case of driving with a suspended license, and he was indeed caught driving without a license.” The lawyer conceded, “That’s correct, Your Honor.” The judge, clearly baffled, continued, “I don’t even understand why he would do that.” He then declared, “The defendant’s bail is hereby revoked. The defendant must surrender himself to the Washtenaw County Jail by 6 p.m. today.”

“Oh my God,” defendant Harris replied, shocked that they would pass judgment so quickly without hearing his statement.


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