Hints about Halifax Cost of Living

Halifax cost of living is high. Comparing to Montreal and Toronto, Halifax cost of living is about 15% above the national average here are some Hints about Cost of living in Halifax

  • To rent a 1-bedroom apartment in Halifax, expect to pay just over $650 [Canadian dollars] a month.
  • The average cost of a single-family house is $225,700.
  • A 2 liter container of milk costs $3.43
  • Buying a new, 2010 Toyota Yaris would be $16,500 + Tax
  • Monthly Phone, Cable and internet Subscription costs around $135.00 + Tax
  • Monthly Smart phone data plan services starting at $20.00 + Tax
  • A McDonald’s kid’s meal is $4.20.
  • If you are smoker you should quit, cigarette prices are very high in Halifax starting at $11.30 for 20 pack, by the way you need to quit smoke anyway




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