As a developer who has created a great product, you should be wondering how to bring it to light. App promotion by incentivized app installs is quite a challenging task but after getting the idea of its principles, it’ll become kids’ stuff for you.

Initially, you have to make sure that your app is optimized. The title, icon, screenshots, and description are essential components of your successful promotion so make it as appealing as possible. Secondly, identify the main features, the functionality of your app. Define what are the requirements that your app satisfies and phrase a clear call-for-action. Then, create a keyword cloud based on it. That is required for your next step, namely getting incentivized app installs. What is actually a keyword cloud? In other words, keywords are search inquiries. Choosing the ones that reveal your app to the fullest is the right way for your effective promotion. If the main function of your app is creating invoices, you should use the keywords invoice generator, billing app, and not shopping or something like that. Group these words, add them to your title, subtitle, and description, and here you go, ready for the next step.

Read More: Promoting Your Business & Productivity App the Right Way

After picking up the convertible keywords, you can start the campaign. Firstly, it’s recommended to launch a screening campaign. The most effective strategy is to promote 4-5 keywords for 7 days. Then, you’ll find out which keywords are the most compatible and proceed with the promotion for these particular ones. Note, you have to move gradually to get firm positions in the rank and not to get out of the index. The algorithm will ban the app that is getting too many installs without being in the top 20. By increasing the number of incentivized app installs per day, you get to the top of the rank. So, your app is clickable, the organic traffic flow and your revenue is growing. Enjoy it with!