Are you experiencing a blocked shower drain? Would you like to know how to clean your shower drain properly?  I will show you different ways to clean your shower drain and leave it sparkling.

Before we get into details, what causes clogged shower drains? There are different things that cause clogged shower drains. It could be soap build-up, dirt, gunk, hair, grease and much more. You can tell your shower drain is clogged when the water is not flowing down the drain with ease.

For most of us, the first thing we think of when we experience clogged shower drain is calling a plumber. You do not need to call a plumber, there are different methods you can use to clean your shower drain and ensure the water is running down smoothly.

Requirements when cleaning shower drain

To clean a blocked shower drain, you need the following items:

  • Commercial drain cleaner
  • Baking soda, boiling water, and white vinegar
  • Crochet hook
  • Rubber gloves
  • Goggles
  • Rag

Top three methods to clean your shower drain

I will cover three different ways you can use to clean your shower drain the right way. These methods include using commercial drain cleaners, using baking soda and white vinegar and mechanical cleaning. We will look at each method in details.

Method 1: Cleaning shower drain using commercial drain cleaners

There are different types of commercial cleaners that are made for cleaning clogged shower drains. The chemical cleaners eliminate the small blockages in the drain so you do not have to do a lot personally. You need to choose top rated drain cleaners so that you can get the best cleaning performance.

Additionally, because all cleaners do not work the same, go through the directions provided strictly. Follow the safety precautions required and make sure that you have rubber gloves and that the room is perfectly ventilated.

Method 2: Cleaning shower drain using baking soda and white vinegar

If you do not want to clean your shower drain with commercial cleaners, you can do the homemade way. You need to have baking soda, boiling water, white vinegar and a rag. If you want to get the best results using this method, do the cleaning when the shower is not in use.

The first thing is to pour baking soda (half a cup) in the drain and immediately pour a cup of white vinegar. Using the rag, plug the drain and the mixture of the baking soda and white vinegar will produce a fizzing action. You can leave it for a few hours or at least 20 minutes.

Next, boil water and pour down the drain quickly to flush the blockage.

If you would love to more about making your own drain cleaner, you can visit shower redefined for more details. They have outlined effective guides about drain cleaners and how to make one.

Method 3: Cleaning shower drain mechanically

This is the last method that you can also try to clean your shower drain. The process involves pulling the blockage physically down the drain.

You need a crochet hook or other tools that are made to remove hair. Insert your crochet hook in the drain and if you are using a hanger, bend it to create a hoot at the end.

Next, put on your gloves and have a plastic bag to put some of the contents you may find. If there are screws on your shower drain, unscrew them and then insert the end of the end with a hook in the drain. You can do that in a minor twisting motion.

You can begin to tug upwards and the hairs blocking the drain will pull out. Put whatever you will pull out in the plastic bag. You can repeat the process until no more hair is left.

 Final Words

Cleaning your shower drain should not stress you up. If you have the right tools and cleaning agents, you don’t even need the help of a plumber. You can do it yourself and save the money you would have paid for the service. With any of the above methods, you can get your shower drain clean.

Depending on the method you find appropriate, you can choose the one that suits you. Ensure that you follow the right safety measures when you are dealing with chemicals and boiling water to avoid hazards. You can wear the right protection like goggles, rubber gloves, and clothes that you do not mind if they get dirty.