When choosing a marketing strategy, your most important goals are to reach the right target audience at the right time, and your website visitors to stay longer on your website to make a purchase.


So, you rush to use paid ads because, well, aren’t they supposed to bring in millions to your small business? Coca Cola uses them so why shouldn’t you?

Then when the results trickle in… you get frustrated.


Maybe you didn’t target the right audience. Maybe you rushed through the sales funnel to make a sale. Maybe you failed to grab your audience’s attention from the get-go.

So, how do you get better results?

In this article, you will learn about two of the most overlooked internet marketing strategies that can help your business grow by:

  • Targeting the right audience.
  • Sending your message to your audience at the right time.
  • Grabbing your target customers’ attention from the get-go.

Let’s dive in!

Email marketing

Email marketing

Email marketing strategy is essential, especially for small businesses, because it’s budget-friendly and one of the most effective marketing strategies you can use.

A study by Hubspot shows that there are 3.9 billion email users per day. So it pays to reach out to such a massive number of people.

So, how do you use email to grow your business?

Get to the right audience

With email marketing, you speak to the right audience because your mailing list is a compilation of people who like your brand and what you stand for. So, it gives you an excellent platform to nurture your leads and turn them into ready-to-buy customers.

The best part of email marketing is, when you consistently provide value to your audience, it becomes so much easier to convert them to paying customers.

Get traffic to your website

Email marketing is an excellent way to send traffic back to your website. You can use calls to action to do this where you can have your leads:

  • Get more information from your blog.
  • Go to your eCommerce store to buy your latest products at a discount.
  • Signup for a service that you’re offering.

The more traffic you get to your website, the higher you rank in search engines, and the more likely your leads turn into paying customers.

Get to your audience at the right time

You can use automated emails to deliver the right message to your audience at the right time.

Automated campaigns, help you to guide your leads through the sales funnel to where they are ready to buy your products or services, which you then promote and sell to them.

This way, you’re assured of making more sales than just promoting your products or services to a bunch of strangers. Moreover, marketers who have used campaigns like these have seen a 760% increase in revenue.

Boost credibility

When you consistently provide value and facts to your leads, they will trust you more. And since your leads trust you, they will be more willing to buy your products or services.

Strengthen customer relations

You can strengthen customer relations by:

  • Consistently helping your customers solve their problems.
  • Appreciating them by sending them thank you cards
  • Helping them commemorate important dates in their lives, such as birthdays.
  • Occasionally offering them deals like freebies or discounts.

The better your relationship with both existing and potential customers, the more sales you make. Your customers may even be inclined to buy from you repeatedly.

Read More: Home Care Marketing Strategies to Generate Constant Referrals

Web design

Your website is the first place that most potential customers engage with your brand, and you’d want this engagement to be fruitful. So, it’s crucial to have a web design that attracts your target customer.

Here are some ways that an excellent web design can help your business grow:

Improves search rankings

An excellent web design is not only great for your potential customers but search engines as well. When your website is well-organized, search engines will crawl it quickly and get all the information needed to rank it.

Also, when your website is attractive and easy to navigate, it will pull in more potential customers, thereby increasing your web traffic, which is a fantastic factor for search rankings.

Lowers bounce rates

A user-friendly website ensures visitors stay on your site longer, which reduces bounce rates. And the more your potential customer stays on your website, the more likely they are to buy from you.

Boosts revenue

This point draws from the point above that the longer your website visitors linger on your website, the higher the chances of buying your offerings. And when you make more sales, you tremendously increase your revenue.

A great first impression

As we said earlier, your website is the first point of interaction between you and your customers. So, you ought to give an excellent first impression because it’s the factor that determines whether your potential customers will want to stay long enough to buy from you.

Over to you

More and more small businesses concentrate on paid advertising to reach their target audience and easily forget about these two powerful strategies. Stand out from the crowd by employing these strategies in your internet marketing today.

Reach out to our team at Capital Solutions for your internet marketing service needs, and you can be sure to see your business move to the next level.