Political films have various forms. They can have a great impact on a major issue that is currently under deep discussion in society or they can make fun of the entire system with a sarcastic plot. Nonetheless, the genre has for so many years produced very interesting movies.

Political movies may approach the government and politics notion from any perspective and with plenty of divergent aims. Some early movies were mostly propaganda tools used by political parties or ideological groups with the hope that the new film media can be useful in helping to persuade masses.

Political movies may also serve as an encouragement to people to distrust their government or even attack a political party or an individual politician.

The most interesting movies that feature politics

1- The Distinguished Gentleman (1992)

Distinguished GentlemanActor Eddie Murphy played a Florida con man who found out that he was missing from the greatest con ever (as a politician). He won his post because his name was the same as that of a longtime Congressman in his district who faced tragic death before elections took place. He went ahead to turn DC around and this movie was one of his final and biggest comedies when being at his best in Hollywood.

2- Nixon (1995)

Nixon (1995)Actor Anthony Hopkins played Richard Nixon in Oliver Stone’s heroic look. There are so many ups and downs but as in the case with every great actor, in the times when he is right, the film prospers. But Stone as well analyzes the Nixon’s shrewdness as at some point he is in the Oval Office ruining his legacy. In another, he is being faced by Vietnam demonstrators at Lincoln Memorial and looking for a way to figure out the reason to their protest.

3- Milk (2008)

Milk 2008Sean Penn won the Oscar for playing Harvey Milk, the first gay politician to be elected in California. Milk fought as a homosexual activist in San Francisco during the late 70s and ended up getting assassinated. In everything that he was in, Sean Penn gave a wonderful performance.

4- Election (1999)

Election 1999The best political movies are not always about adults or how to spending a great time in here in glasgow. Alexander Payne looked at high school elections and their consequences when a school teacher (Mathew Broderick) is tired of his student that could be called an over-achiever (Reese Witherspoon).

5- Seven days in May (1964)

Seven days in MayThis movie was set ten years in the future. Here, a thrilling drama follows an arranged president coup in 7 days since a nuclear arms agreement is signed. Besides the wonderful performances by Burt Lancaster and Douglas Kirk at the peak of the Cold War, the film touches on the anxiety that lots of people had regarding nuclear war.


Those are the most interesting political movies which people can watch. And in this new age, such movies have led to major advances in technology. Cinematography has had so many inventions, for example, IMAX theaters. Apart from that, the movies can be watched on computers, tablets and other personal devices.