As per usual, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, shared satirical tweets on hot topics in the international arena. Recently, he offered his opinion on the Wagner Group’s rebellion against the authorities in Moscow and imparted golden advice to his followers.
In a scathing tweet, he shared a picture and wrote, “Don’t even trust yourself,” as he referred to the Wagner Group leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin’s treachery. Prigozhin’s actions were considered a “stab in the back” by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The tweet received thousands of likes and shares, in addition to sarcastic and funny comments, while others commented with similar advice attached to pictures that provide the same advice about the need not to trust anyone.
Don’t even trust nobody
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 24, 2023
Sibling disagreement
Musk’s advice came after Prigozhin announced, today, Saturday morning, an armed rebellion against the Russian army, following disputes that had their roots in the past months, most of which were related to the issue of not providing his fighters with weapons and the accusations against Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
Despite Moscow’s blind confidence in Prigozhin, who led the battles in Ukraine and achieved several victories, the last of which was in Bakhmut, the latter turned against Moscow and crossed all red lines in a speech he broadcast today via Telegram, in which he demanded a new president for Russia.