If there is that one complete travel destination that you must pay a visit while on your holiday in Africa then Uganda is one of them. While on your vacation, expect more just exciting activities in this magical country. For a test of time, Uganda has stood among a few most sought after safari destinations by tourists due to its memorable experiences. Among many include;

Gorilla trekking

When you think of a safari in Africa, Uganda is that one unique destination that you should consider a must to include in your bucket list. A face to face encounter with the rare mountain gorillas in the wilderness is such a magical experience that anyone on African safari shouldn’t miss in life. Uganda boasts of more than 480 individuals of Great apes and this represents about half of all the rare mountain gorillas that thrive in the world today. What is interesting is that trekkers on gorilla safari in the pearl of Africa have all the two choices for them to strike their imaginations with these magnificent creatures in the wild. For magical experiences with these unique species in Uganda, count Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park and Mgahinga National Park a must to include in your travel plan. You can be part of this memorable adventure at only $600 and only if you are above 15 years! If you want to enhance your experiences further, there is Gorilla Habituation Experience for you to enjoy. It experience takes you through the whole day while exploring the semi habituated family and 4 hours of face to face encounter with the Great apes. This experience costs $1500 per visitor and only conducted in Bushaho and Bikingi gorilla group.

White water rafting

For adventure seekers, Uganda is a true adventure paradise and if you are planning for your next vacation in this magical country consider white water rafting a must in your travel plan and you won’t regret in life. When it comes to thrilling experiences, white water rafting is incomparably the most memorable adventure that you should think about while on safari in Africa. Imagine how amazing and exciting it is to wash yourself with the water of the mighty River Nile along as you raft through the powerful rapids for about 21 kilometers if you prefer the whole day experience.

Mountain climbing/mountaineering

While on safari in Uganda, adventure seekers are never left stranded. If you want challenge yourself, then the Rwenzori Mountain range is such a magical and the most exceptional place for you not to miss to explore. If you have ever thought of dramatic views then all that is defined at the spectacular snow capped Margherita peak. To hike to this magical peak, you will need at 7-9 days and at end of it all, your life won’t be the same. Besides, there are also other remarkable areas for you to realize your dreams and they include Mount Elgon in eastern Uganda and splendid Sipi falls as well as Mgahinga, Muhavura and Sabyinyo which make up part of the Virunga Massifs. To be part of this life changing adventure, you should be physically well.

Boat cruise

When it comes to Uganda safaris, a boat cruise is that one most exciting and memorable experience you should think of. This experience in Uganda is mainly conducted in areas like Murchison Falls National Park, Lake Victoria, Ssese Island, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Lake Mburo National Park a mention but a few. While on this lovely experience, you will be amazed by remarkable views of hippos, crocodiles as they are relaxed at the river banks as well as water bucks and several aquatic bird species especially fish eagles, kingfishers.

Game drives

Uganda is undeniably one of the excellent safari destinations and when it comes to African safaris, a game drive should be a must to include in your travel plan. Usually safaris to see the big game in the wild come first in the list of the most memorable experiences in Uganda.  Game drives in Uganda are best done in Murchison Falls National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Lake Mburo National Park, Kidepo Valley National Park and Semuliki Valley National Park. While on a game drive in Uganda, expect to catch a glimpse at wildlife species such as elephants, Buffaloes, Leopards, lions, rhinos at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary and not to forget giraffes, zebras, mongoose, spotted hyenas, warthogs, antelope families and bird species.

In conclusion, while on safari in Uganda, expect to enjoy a wide range of unique activities that will leave a memory in you. To realize your dreams in this magical nation, contact one of our receptionists and we shall help you arrange a safari for you in any destination of your choice.