Have you been putting off starting your own site for too long? If you have finally decided to jump into the game, then you want to be in the know. There are secrets that will save (and make) you money and help you to increase site visitors and customers. Let’s find out what they are.

You Can Haggle For Domain Names

If you had your heart set on a particular domain name, but it’s already taken, then don’t worry. You may still be able to get a hold of it.

Many people wonder how to buy a taken domain and it’s not that difficult. You merely need to determine who the current owner is and then negotiate with them. In fact, the current domain may not even be used. Some companies simply buy up domains so that they can sell them later.

You Can Get A Logo Done For $5

If you haven’t already, you should check out the site “Fiverr.” The platform is a virtual marketplace where anything can be sold for $5. If you need a logo (or other graphics) for your site, then it’s a great place to look.

While technically everything is $5, many sellers also offer upgrades and extra services which can increase the final price. Regardless, the prices are still so low that you could hire a few different designers to make a logo, and then select the one that you like best. Just remember to send them all the same brief.

Any Traffic Is Monetizable

Whether your site is about dating, computer games, ant farming, or anything in between, the beauty of the internet is that you can make money from any traffic. For example, if you have a website that gives dating advice, you could incorporate affiliate links to online dating platforms and receive a commission everytime someone signs up. Another option would be to start a VIP section of your site. Readers can then choose to subscribe to access the exclusive content in this section.

Email Addresses Mean A Potential Customer For Life

People rarely change their email addresses, which means if you can get them to give them to you, then you may have a customer for life. The easiest way to get this info is to offer something in return. A good method is to offer a free ebook to site readers. They will then need to enter their email address to have the book sent to them.

That’s not the only way. If you sell products/services, you could consider offering a $5 discount to subscribers.

Just remember, you should never use your email list for spamming. These are your potential customers, after all. Consider sending out an email once a week or once a fortnight with useful information that will give readers a reason to visit your site.

Final Thoughts

Starting a website, and making it successful, is hard work. That’s why it pays to use every advantage you can. These tips can help you out on your journey. You could get started today by having a $5 logo designed.