Nurses can enhance their career prospects with a Master’s in Nursing Administration

Nursing Administration

In the past, many nurses simply got their RN qualification and stopped there. However, many nurses these days are continuing their education past this level. Quite a few nurses are getting their bachelor’s degrees or even master’s degrees. It is easier now than ever for nurses to advance in their educations because many nursing programs are available online. This means that nurses who are working full-time can still continue their education at home. Read on to learn more about the career path of a successful nursing professional and how you can advance in your career through online nursing education.

The career path of a successful nursing professional


Most nurses start their careers after receiving their RN license. Some nurses may start as certified nursing assistants, however. It is common for nurses to go to work as soon as they receive their associate’s degrees. This is because they are eligible for many well-paid jobs without having to achieve a bachelor’s degree. However, it is becoming more common for nurses to get their bachelor’s degrees before answering the workforce.


These days, approximately half of nurses complete their bachelor’s degrees online while working as RNs, while the other half complete their bachelor’s degrees before entering the workforce. Many nurses who complete their bachelor’s degrees intend to eventually get a graduate nursing education. This is because a bachelor’s degree in and of itself rarely qualifies as a nurse for an administrative position.


Many nurses who wish to enter nursing administration complete a Master of Science in Nursing Administration (MSN) degree online. It is possible for nurses to enter these programs after only a few years in the workforce. However, it is more common for highly experienced nurses with a decade or more of work experience to pursue a master’s degree in nursing administration.

There are many different reasons that a nurse would pursue a graduate degree. Perhaps they are burnt out from the long hours or have some physical problems that prevent them from working in the field any longer. Of course, many nurses simply want to advance in their careers and earn higher salaries.

Many nurses complete their MSN degrees online

It is common for nurses who decide to pursue a graduate degree to do an MSN online. As previously mentioned, nurses working full-time would have a much easier time completing an online degree than an in-person one. This is because nurses often work long hours, and their schedules change frequently. Online nursing degrees allow nurses to complete their courses whenever they can find the time. It is also essential to keep in mind that nurses who are employed full-time may even be able to get their hospital or medical practice to pay for some or all of their tuition and other related costs.

They can pursue this degree path even if no brick-and-mortar schools in the area offer an MSN degree

Nurses who live in rural areas or small towns may face many challenges if they want to continue their education. While there may be a local community college that offers an associate’s degree that leads to an RN qualification, nurses in such areas may not have access to further nursing education. However, the advent of online nursing degrees has changed the game for nurses who live in rural areas or small towns. Now, nurses in these areas can pursue further nursing education online. Many nursing degrees are available online, from the bachelor’s level all the way up to the doctoral level. The MSN degree is one of the most popular online nursing degrees, and there are many MSN options for nurses who live in the United States.

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