Currently, almost every company has a website, which is not just designed to make a profit but also is a kind of business card. Not to mention the fact that many brands are struggling in the expanses of the world network to stand out from the competition. While searching through the Internet, you probably noticed that some websites attract you, while the others you want to close and never come back. Design is the first thing a user pays attention to. Suitable colors, unique design, original illustrations, and videos are elements to achieve this goal. It is important to understand that the modern design of the site is directly related to the company’s features.

What to pay attention to when developing a website


The site should be easy to navigate, find the right information, and make an order.


The number of sections, their hierarchy, and the structure of the product catalog – all this is part of the concept of site architecture. This is important not only for users’ convenience but also for the site’s successful promotion in search engines.


Competent presentation of goods and services – another key to the effectiveness of the site. A well-developed landing page or product card, quality photos and texts – all these are important.

Actually, the design

And finally, the visual style – colors, shapes, fonts. But remember how you choose a new type of product or service for on the site – focusing on the site’s colors or still on the completeness of information and convenience of ordering?

How to design a website

Explore competitor sites

If there are obvious leaders in your niche, most likely they have already invented and implemented all necessary things before you, having spent a lot of money on development. Analyze it.

Learn usability principles

Recommendations on usability (structure and navigation on sites) are based on numerous studies of human perception patterns. Still, this knowledge field is too vast and rapidly changing to rely only on basic principles – professionalism and experience of the designer are crucial here.

Test it

Oleh Sadykow, a co-founder at DeviQA – leading manual testing services company sure that what works on one site may not work when promoting another, so the product should be repeatedly tested. The method is costly but effective, especially if the site shows low conversion rates for no apparent reason. He says, “Software testing has a specific and valuable role that should not be neglected.”

Principles Of Good Website Design

Modern site design: trend or necessity

Web design – is not only the external image of the site. Placement of information on the site should be clearly thought out and designed accordingly, and most importantly – it should be user-friendly.

Video on the landing

It is not enough to insert old videos from YouTube. Instead, take it to the next level by creating a video branding.

You can shoot some really cool, exciting videos that are automatically played on the home page. Firstly, any of these approaches can provide the visitor with additional information and, secondly, strengthen the contact with him/her. Videos also significantly impact conversion – they increase the conversion rate up to 80-90% and affect the final purchase decision. They also help the user participate more actively in presenting content, recommend it to friends and share it.

Animated calls to action

Your visitors will not know what to do unless you explicitly point them to it.

Individual fonts

The times of Times New Roman, Arial or any other standard font are long gone. Make your texts more attractive with unique fonts that will make your company’s style memorable and, at the same time, improve your perception of the text.

Artificial Intelligence

People still want human communication. Probably, this is one of the reasons that artificial intelligence in all its forms is so popular.

Chatbots affect conversion directly. The meaning of using chatbots in your website interface is related to customer service. They can ask questions and get quick answers in real-time. 

Detailed pics

People remember 80% of what they see and only 20% of what they read, so it’s worth taking care of the right high-quality pics from the very beginning. 


Minimalism will continue to dominate the digital landscape in 2020.  Minimalism gives websites the freedom to present the content while at the same time providing more contrast and crisp typography without too many distractions.

Minimalism is perhaps one of the most classic and eternal trends in modern website design or eCommerce. This choice is often associated with aesthetics. The fewer elements and content on the website, the easier it will be for a potential customer to get acquainted with its content. If the website was designed correctly, it would show the user exactly what he is looking for.

Adaptation for mobile devices

It is no longer necessary to convince anyone of the need for a mobile version of the site. According to recent research, mobile users spend more time on the Internet than desktop users. Of course, this is a good enough reason to meet their needs by creating a comfortable environment for browsing websites.

What pushes users away:

  1. The background of the site is too bright. A lot of research has proved that color directly influences a person’s condition and mood and on his decision-making. Bright colors bother users.
  1. Plenty of advertising. It is very important to find a balance in the amount of advertising. A large number of ads will not create a very pleasant impression of you at the site users.
  1. Banners. Banners are now very rarely used on web resources. This is because there are more convenient and pleasant ways to advertise a new service or product. But still, there are sites where banners still exist. Such sites talk about the owners of not the best side. Users think that the owners simply do not follow web design trends or even abandoned the site.
  1. A large number of images. The more images, the longer the site page is loaded. The presence of a large number of images also creates a negative impression on search engines. Often, when uploading images to the site, it does not consider the weight of images, which again increases the duration of uploading and eats internet traffic. 

Let’s sum it up:

  • The site should cause the visitor a sense of comfort, thanks to the correct location of information on the page and the color scheme. To be stylish, to emphasize the image of the company. Combine with the corporate identity of the company.
  • The page should be easy to download.
  • The site should solve the users’ problems and do it in the best way.

Trust the designer. Changing the hue or shifting an element by 5 pixels will most likely not affect sales, but it can spoil the composition.