Using an attorney can be really expensive. Many attorneys charge between $200 and $450 an hour! This is a staggering amount and perhaps you would like to save on divorce costs. If you are thinking of a way to get a divorce without using an attorney, online divorce could be for you. You would first have to check if you qualify for an online divorce, and this can be done by a simple questionnaire. Some examples of those who qualify for an online divorce are those who have been in a short term marriage or couples who don’t have children or if there are no shared assets or debts. If this is the case, an online divorce can be quick, easy and cost-effective.

Here are 5 reasons why you should get your divorce online.

1. Online divorce is considerably cheaper.  An online divorce could cost you between $300 and $500 in comparison to an attorney who could cost between $5000 to $10 000. You will also not need an attorney for an online divorce if your divorce is uncontested. This means that you and your spouse agree to all the terms of your divorce and that your divorce is fairly simple and straightforward. Many online divorce companies have a set cost for an uncontested divorce. So there are no hidden costs or escalating consultation fees; which could easily happen if you use an attorney. You also only pay once you are ready to file for your divorce. So this also gives you time to get your money in order. You can even make payments online. What could be simpler?

2. According to CompleteCase, getting an online divorce is easier and simpler than a traditional divorce. If you decide to use an attorney, you would have to attend meetings, take time off work, and lawyers also charge per hour.  With an online divorce, there are no unnecessary meetings, all your documentation can be completed online within a few minutes, and oftentimes, divorce papers are sent to you within 24 hours. There are also usually online questionnaires, that you would need to fill in and this would give the online divorce company all the information that is needed in order to file for your divorce. This makes the process so much easier and faster. All the paperwork can also be emailed to you or even posted. When it comes to using an online company, you can file for a divorce in the comfort of your own home. Also if you use an attorney, you need to remember that you are not their only client. Therefore, it could take a while for them to get back to you, or even answer your calls. With an online divorce, the divorce process will go much quicker. The faster you file your papers, the sooner you can get a divorce.

3. You don’t need to go to court. If you decide to use an online divorce company, you won’t need to go to court for an uncontested divorce. Divorce is an emotionally taxing procedure and going to court can be really stressful. By using an online divorce company, you don’t have to go to court or attend any hearings. If you can agree with your spouse on all the terms of your divorce, you can avoid going to court, this, in turn, will make the whole divorce process so much faster and cheaper.

4. Most online divorce companies have assistance throughout the entire process. If you use an online divorce company, you will be able to contact a consultant throughout the whole process. They will be able to help you with any legal questions that you might have. Sometimes you would have to pay for their services, but a lot of the time, these consultations are included in the packages. There are also live chats with consultants, which make things so much easier than waiting around to hear back from your attorney. Your questions can be answered immediately in most cases.

5. Online divorce is less stressful. Divorce is extremely stressful; not only are your emotions high, but it is also the start of a new chapter in your life. If you choose an online company to get a divorce, you will be able to apply for a divorce in a straightforward and less complicated way. Also, it’s harder to make a mistake. Who knows your situation better than you do? You are the one filling in the questions about your case. You know your finances, and all the details about your divorce, so it’s much harder to make a mistake because you are taking on your own case. An attorney could get things wrong, and if your documents are filled in incorrectly this slows down the whole process. An online divorce company will also keep you up to date about what’s happening with your divorce. One of the biggest complaints couples have with law firms is the lack of communication. Many of the best online divorce companies offer you constant communication to keep you in the loop.

There are so many advantages to using an online divorce company. If you weigh up all the pros, then using an online company can be efficient and cost-effective. If your divorce is straightforward and there are no children involved, use an online divorce company! Online divorce is becoming very popular and there has been amazing feedback from many couples who were happy with the process.