Gun control is one of the hottest topics being discussed in US politics. With each mass shooting or crime committed using firearms, arguments rise between the two sides of the gun control issue. It is recorded that each year, tens of thousands of Americans die from injuries that are caused by firearms. But on the other hand, there are a number of people in the country fearing a tyrannical government sweeping out and taking all the guns. With this, the steps we take in effort to ending gun violence often come off as ceremonial gestures at best. But, let us name the different reasons why gun control won’t happen in the United States.
Number 1: The NRA
The NRA, or the National Rifle Association, opposes many proposals and programs given to establish firearm regulations in the country. They are also behind the efforts in both federal and state levels to cut back many existing regulations and restrictions on gun ownership. The said association is 5 million members strong and there seems to be minimal actions done in stopping them. In 2016, the NRA spent almost $4 million in campaigning direct contributions to politicians and more than $50 million on political advocacy. With their overall budget of roughly $250 million, they create educational programs, gun facilities, host membership events and the like.
Number 2: The Courts
The Congress is more interested in retaining the existing firearm regulations than implementing new and improved ones, the left-leaning United States officials have taken the bigger role in implementing gun-control efforts, leaving inefficient trails in implementation. After many incidents of mass shooting, many states passed new gun laws, such as weapon bans in places such as Connecticut, Maryland and New York. But, many of these laws have encountered another obstacle, which is the US judicial system. In the more recent years, the Supreme Court has ruled over that the right to own personal weapons like handguns is cherished in the structure of the United States government. Many state officials have also argued that it is necessary for the security of the states to give a right to the people to keep and carry weapons, shall not be breached. Since then, the United States courts have considered these as challenges to impose assault weapon bans, registration requirements and open-carry prohibitions. As far as we are concerned, the Supreme Court has declined to open their doors to any new cases.
Number 3: The Enthusiasm Gap
As it may be, the biggest obstacle at a national level to new gun-control laws is that the opposition has tended to hold firmly on their beliefs, while the support for new regulations tend to float and flow around the instances of violence. With NRA’s strategies to wait and to delay legislative efforts, attention is turned somewhere else and the noise fades. Politicians who are pro-gun give thoughts and prayers and observe moments of silence when gun regulations are at talks. Legislative efforts are postponed and hindered in the quiet. Recently, a San Diego Criminal Attorney mentioned to reporters that there is always a time and place for gun related issues at a political debate, but now is the time to unite the country in facing mass killings using weapons such as guns that are widespread throughout the country. As it always goes, it is the same old story. The new regulation for new gun laws have always been shuffling back and forth.