The digital era is all about mobile apps which is why companies needs to invest in them without thinking twice. Surprisingly, not all companies are actually investing in mobile app development, causing them to lose out to their competition. Big or small, businesses need to realize that people want mobile apps.

To put things into perspective, let’s take a look at some statistics regarding the importance of mobile apps for your business:

  • Mobile app downloads will reach a staggering 284 billion by 2020
  • The App Store will reach 35.2 billion app downloads, while Google Play Store will reach 166 billion downloads by 2020, reveals App Anie
  • Photos and digital radio generate 96% of their overall engagement from mobile devices alone
  • 69% of the smartphone users state that they buy from companies with user-friendly sites that address their concerns
  • In exchange for video content, at least 62% of smartphones users are willing to watch 15-30 second ads

If it is not obvious enough, the ideal way to reach your target audience is through mobile apps. Long gone are the days when people had to boot their computers or laptops to connect to the Internet to check out a company’s website.

Since everything is mobile and people love getting things done on the go, businesses have no option but to cater to the demands of their customers. If you are still not convinced about developing a mobile app, for your business, then the following 8 reasons will make you think otherwise.

1. Mobile is the Present, Not the Future

There is no denying the fact that people now browse and shop on their mobile devices. The world has gone mobile, and it is a reality that businesses must accept.

Since the world today is all about digital interaction, this is the best medium to conduct a business. Creating an app increases accessibility. At a glance, the customers can open your app and make necessary purchases.

No matter what people are looking for online, they are using their mobile devices to get things done. Thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT), everything has become mobile centric, whether it’s buying a laptop or your favorite piece of clothing from a retail shop.

2. It is an Effective Branding and Promotional Tool

Agreed, mobile app developers and the entire app development cost will set you back by a lot, but it will be worth every penny. Think of it in terms of how valuable it is to market your product or service. Potential clients that will come across your app will most likely install it because they will find it useful at some point in time.

To entice potential customers, you can notify them about your latest deals, offers or updates. You can also give said customers the opportunity to provide instant feedback. This will let you know the good, the bad and the ugly of your business.

You can do all this and much more without having to invest time and money on promotion and marketing campaigns. Regardless of its features, people tend to remember apps that offer a great user experience. If you manage to pull this off alone, you will be recognized as a well-reputed brand in time.

3. Mobile Payments are Increasingly Popular

The trend of mobile payment is growing considerably on a daily basis. It is not only a secure means of carrying out transactions, but you will never have to worry about remembering or storing sensitive data ever again. This means if you are not sharing your sensitive information, you will not have to worry about being compromised.

Mobile Payments

By developing an app to facilitate the mobile payments, your customers will feel right at home with you. They will feel secure knowing their information will not land in the wrong hands. At the same time, you can greatly benefit from the transaction fees for every purchase a customer makes.

4. Allows Businesses to Stay Connected to their Customers

People are always looking for one-stop solution in a single platform. Whether they are looking for cheap flights or booking a hotel room, there are a number of apps they can sink their teeth into.

You can take advantage of this and provide an app offering a seamless experience and an interface that will encourage customers to buy from you. This way, they will not have to check out different websites.

If you have your own app, customers will access it and use it on the go. No matter what announcements you have to make, you will have direct communication with your customers via your mobile app. No matter where they are, or where they are headed to, you can deliver your messages easily.

5. Makes Data Collection Possible in Real Time

When it comes to sales and marketing, collecting and analyzing data is quite important. The purpose behind doing so is that it will give you an idea about your customers, their interests and preferences, and their activities on your app. 

With this kind of data, you will be able to come up with content that interests them the most. Additionally, you can make your app’s user experience better than ever before.

6. No Time Constraints

While using your mobile app, customers can check their favorite product anywhere, anytime. This way they stay informed at all times. They will be able to view deals, make purchases and track orders, etc. If that is not enough, you can contact them directly in case they run into a problem.

The quicker you are able to respond to your customers, they better their experience will be. Reciprocating to them quickly will create a positive brand image. With no time constraints, your customer support will reach new heights of success.

7. Apps Spark Interest

When you launch a business app, it will be easier for you to let existing and potential customers know about your products and services. The app will serve as a one-stop shop for all their needs.

If and when you make changes or introduce a new product or service, you can notify your customers immediately. Adding a touch of personalization to the app will make your customers feel connected to your brand. By doing so, you would encourage them to use your app more regularly.

8. Boosts Sales and Revenue

Due to consumer preference and the flexibility of smartphone apps, mobile app transactions have increased by leaps and bounds in recent years. Once customers are confident about an app, they will use it and spend money on it without hesitation.

A mobile app offering a loyalty program to customers will not only retain the existing customers but will increase the potential customers, increasing your sales and conversions.

With your own business app, you will be able to offer customer service and support that users are always looking for. Considering how much sales and revenue your own mobile app can generate, it would be irrational to not take advantage of it.

Nowadays, it is quite common for businesses to develop their own apps to reach their target audience, and even those in other regions. This has in turn allowed them to operate globally, which has a positive impact on sales and revenue. If you are one of those few businesses that has considered developing a mobile app of their own, then you are at risk of losing out to your competition.

The Bottom Line

Innovate and integrate new features to keep your app from becoming redundant. As long as you do whatever it takes to stay ahead of your competition, you will gain the upper hand and quite possibly, even become an industry leader in a short span of time!