If you live in a place where hail is inevitable, you may have experienced the devastation of finding dents and scratches on your car after a particularly massive storm. Once you’re sure that no hailstorms are expected in your area any time soon, you should visit a mechanic to fix any issues on the exterior or even under the hood.

Here are five reasons why you should have your car repaired after hail damage:

1. Cover Costs with Insurance

Repairing hail damage can be costly because the destruction encompasses the entire vehicle. Fortunately, with the right insurance coverage, vehicle hail repair service fees should be covered by your policy.

Read the fine print on your insurance policy. A liability-only coverage doesn’t include a hail damage claim because it only saves you from having to pay for the dents and scratches you caused on other people’s vehicles.

If you have a comprehensive vehicle coverage, as well as a storm damage declaration, then the insurance company will be the ones to pay for your car’s repairs. When you live in areas where hailstorms are a regular occurrence, it’s sensible to purchase a policy that includes this service because most insurance companies don’t allow clients to buy this type of coverage at the last minute. 

2. Save Your Paint

The dents and scratches left by hail on your vehicle can destroy your paint faster, especially when you take your car out on the road again and travel amidst bad weather. Subjecting the damage to hot and cold elements from your engine and the sun’s UV rays, as well as frost and freezing air outside, can cause the creases to crack and chip off.

The issue will only escalate if you don’t have your vehicle checked by your car repair services provider. Take care of hail damage right away to avoid having a more considerable paint problem than what you started with.

3. Avoid Rusting

Leaving your car paint to crease and chip will lead to rust, which occurs when moisture gets in contact with bare metal. More than the exterior looking ugly, corrosion can also damage your engine and the interior of your car if you don’t address the initial hail-induced dents and scratches.

Repair Your Car After Damage

4. Return to the Road Quicker

Hail damage is a relatively manageable problem that your local mechanic can solve. Avoid putting off the repair, especially after the storm has passed, and no natural disaster is expected to occur soon.

Your life shouldn’t be hampered by a non-functioning car because you can easily have it fixed by those who specialize in hail damage repair services. Moreover, you can even have your windshields and windows strengthened to prevent breakage during future storms.

Some tips to protect your car from hail damage:

  • Find Roofed Parking – If you don’t have a garage, you may want to invest in finding a covered carport near your home or office to reduce the risk of your vehicle being exposed and vulnerable to hailstorms. Thinking ahead can save you from hefty fees that entail hail damage repairs.
  • Park near a Building – If you’re on the road when disaster hits, you should think fast and locate the best possible place to stop. A building can be an excellent shield against hail. Just make sure that you park on the opposite side of the storm’s direction. A freeway overpass is also one of the best options for a last-minute cover.
  • Use a Cover – Have a specialized hail car cover in your trunk, which you can spread out when storms arrive. You can also use thick blankets and comforters if you don’t have a cover. When worse comes to worst, you can put your car’s floor mats on top of your windshields for some type of coverage.
  • Check the Weather – During the months when hailstorms are expected to happen, you should check your weather alerts to get a heads up on the weather condition for the day. There are apps that notify you and provide you with detailed information like the time that the storm may arrive. With this, you’ll have time to take the necessary precautions.

5. Maintain Your Car’s Resale Value

Another reason to fix hail damage on your car is to maintain its value. While you may not be thinking about selling it for now, you should still allow yourself this option in the future.

Dents and scratches, which will lead to further problems, can adversely impact your vehicle’s resale value, so it’s best that you take care of the issue immediately.


You should repair your car after it gets damaged by hail because it may affect your insurance coverage, which is typically time-constrained. Moreover, you should address the dents and scratches since these problems can escalate through cracks on your paint and, ultimately, corrosion. Fixing hail damage on your car can also allow you to return to the road faster and maintain its value in case you plan on selling it in the future.