Remote work has become the new normal, and it is here to stay for a long time. Cloud file sharing is a boon in such time. It is a convenient and scalable modern world solution. A massive chunk of data is transferred over the internet daily within seconds. Modern computers store every kind of file that is there, ranging from documents to videos and applications.

When we share a file server over the internet, security becomes an essential issue at hand. There is a solution for every problem, and a lot of secure cloud file sharing solutions have been developed. Around 40% of the data of businesses is used for sharing that is transmitted over the cloud. Therefore, file sharing is an integral part of the smooth functioning of a business.

What is File Sharing?

Many businesses have switched to file sharing for remote work. But what exactly happens? Whenever single or various files are moved from one computer to another location or device, it is known as file sharing. Sometimes, acceptance is required from the recipient’s side. Otherwise, it is an entirely automatic process. Make sure you transfer files through a secure and safe channel.

Why is File sharing so popular?

Mainly, cloud file sharing has gained popularity as people working from remote locations have increased significantly. Not only this, but it has a lot of advantages that ease the flow of information among the workforce. Large files can be easily shared over the internet. You can engage with diverse people from around the world. Maintenance of an online centralized file server reduces drastically. GoAnywhere has a cloud file sharing solution to assist your organization

What are the risks involved in file-sharing?

As people share files over the internet, the most persistent risk involved is that of security. Your system might also pick up malware that can increase the risk of losing or exposing sensitive information. File sharing requires a hefty bandwidth amount that can be quite expensive. When a file is shared publicly, it gets harder to trace what happens to it after exposure. Therefore, it is a package deal with a multitude of benefits but inherent risks as well.

What are some secure file sharing tips?

Organizations share around 70% of data internally for business functions. With such a heavy amount of data transfers happening daily, enterprises must put best practices in place. Some of these include-

Encryption: Always select a service that provides end-to-end encryption for protection from hackers

File Audit: Keep checking for the unnecessary files on your cloud and verify who is using them. Remove such files as needed.

Two-Step verification: Generally, Anyone can open public files with the right link in hand. Make sure you have a double-check permission required for access.


As we have come to know that cloud file sharing is prominent data transmission practice adopted by today’s businesses. It has been found that 80% of employees share risky data accidentally, and hackers and internal threats share 12%. To counter both accidental and malicious sharing, secure file sharing protocols become a necessity. Always choose a safe model, even if it costs a few extra bucks.