Research from the Pew Research Center found a majority of Americans use Instagram in varying degrees of activity, about 55 percent. This does not mean the platform is on its last leg; it is becoming more popular as time goes by, judging by the increasing numbers of people opening an account.

If you are looking for a new marketing frontier for your business, Instagram is the way to go. Currently, the users number close to a billion all over the world, with active users numbering 700 to 800 million. It therefore means that if you utilize it well, you stand to gain numerous benefits and increase your reach. You might consider using third party services that make your engagement levels high at a fast rate, such as buying automatic Instagram likes from igAutoLike, but the organic method might prove challenging to execute – unless you use some of the strategies below.

Utilize analytics to optimize the account

There is a saying you have probably heard before that goes ‘what is measured is managed’. This is true for all facets of life, and is particularly true for the marketing sector – even on Instagram. The good news is you do not need to sit down for hours trying to sift through individual posts or accounts just to get the data you need; there are numerous Instagram analytics tools that help your brand have a shot at success.

When you are thinking of searching for any of these tools, you need to consider a few qualities. First, it must be capable of monitoring all the performances of your posts, which helps you figure out the posts that have the best reach and engagement rates. This information helps you use the platform with greater efficiency, as you know the best way to tailor your posts for your target audience.

It is also good to select a tool that allows you to schedule all posts in advance. Many tools are fortunately able to set the best times that your content usually performs well, and you can create posts to post during these times. The posting times might be within working hours, so you can set them when you are not in the office.

The third criteria is to select a tool that can track the engagement of certain hashtags and keywords. It allows you or your marketing team to make great connections with prospective customers or potential audiences as you post from your account, and this helps to create more interesting experiences.

Do not shy away from using user generated content

generated contentAlso known as UGC, this interesting phenomenon is increasingly in use by both individual accounts and brands. This refers to the situations when users create content relating to a service, product or brand, and it encourages creativity. The brand can then repurpose or restore this content as a form of social engagement, which shows prospective customers that people have confidence in your brand.

Even though this is not limited to Instagram, the greatest brands and channels always use user generated content to create a brand narrative that is compelling and interesting.

Creating a live social wall

This can help you manage your Instagram account and branding efforts at the same time, which might be a difficult task to do. Making a live social wall that you can display in your office or at a live event can prove helpful. For instance, selecting tools such as Tagboard and Tint makes it more efficient and easy to compile related UGC, or if you decide to post live streams of content on your account.

This marketing tactic encourages users on the platform to follow your account, as well as expanding the reach of your content (therefore increasing traffic).

Cross promotion of your account

Cross promotion of your accountBecause you have a business, you are definitely interested in increasing your Instagram following. You do not need to struggle so much in getting people on the platform itself to follow you – consider cross promoting your Instagramaccount on other channels, even your other social media platforms. If you are using the platform in unique ways, you can then talk about it on company blogs or websites in the industry.

The more you raise awareness about your account, the more you are positioning your business as a leader in the world of social media and your marketing efforts.

Incentivize subscriptions

The major way of encouraging people to follow you on the platform is creating great content that makes you stand out. However, you do not need to limit yourself to creating great content, as you can add some interesting incentives on top of that. For instance, having regular competitions on your account can help to rope in more people to follow your account and your brand.

If your business deals with services or products that function as giveaways, then Instagram competitions are a great avenue for you to grow your audience and your reach. If you do not, then you may have to get a more creative approach, but it can be done.

Consider using influencers to market your brands

using influencers to market your brandsStatistics from AdWeek magazine reveal that 94 percent of businesses think influencer marketing is very effective in increasing awareness of their brand. When you select the right influencer, it is among the best opportunities to build awareness about your business.

It might be challenging to quantify the exact impact you get when working with influencers, but it can visibly improve your visibility on Instagram.

Share videos

Share videosStatistics show that at least 55 percent of people log in to Instagram to see one video every day. They happen to be more effective in capturing the attention of your audience, even for longer periods than the usual photo post. Just make sure that you utilize them wisely, and you will increase your reach.

Final thoughts

You may have a strong need to improve your Instagram marketing, you should consider using some of these tips. Analytics for instance, will help you to understand your audience better and tailor your content for them.