Are you a creator? Do you have a band? A name? Reputation? No? If you are a young creator this article will be as useful for you as for more popular and experienced musician. Now, do you know what is SoundCloud? No? Great! This means it will be interesting for you. But even if you know SoundCloud and have an account you may find some useful information here. So, are you interesting in possibilities to develop your career through SoundCloud? In promotion of your music? Do you consider to buy plays on SoundCloud? If you answered “yes” then read ahead, but if your answer is “no”, then close this web page quick! This information is sensitive and only for the people who is ready to work on his career and wants to reach the top. Ready?
Let’s start from some basic information about SoundCloud. This is the music streaming service that has a huge media library and many users all around the world. Millions of listeners and musicians choose SoundCloud instead of other music-streaming services. Why so? Availability. Coverage. Royalties. Service is available for everyone, it has no inescapable fee for listening, so you can listen to the music for free. So you can upload music for free too. This helped to spread the app all around the globe, which gave wide coverage to any song. And royalties are one of the highest, which allows musicians to create music, to buy new equipment, new instruments and feel financially free. Second thing to talk about is promotion. Promotion is the complex of actions, each one of them serves one purpose – making your song hit. How? Each song has special parameters, like plays, followers acquired, likes, and so on. And system selects popular songs for playlists and user recommendations. And by making these numbers bigger, your wing will get higher popularity rating and more ways will be opened for it. Popular playlists, top-charts, radio stations – that’s what you get. And the highest role is “played” by plays. More people listen to it means it is more popular.
Read More: How To Get More Followers on SoundCloud?
What are the outcomes? You spend some time and few coins and what you get? Two types of the result. Numerical and reputational. Numerical will be noticed instantly, but reputational will be trickier. This result is your pure popularity and success. And such things as fame don’t come instantly. In few weeks after promotion you will notice interesting e-mails and calls from music producers and from the news companies. Do the right choice, and change your life forever!