Short-term loan: the requirements for borrowers, the features of repayment and the benefits of using a short-term loan is the operation for lending the bank money to borrowers for a relatively short calendar period. Typically, a short-term loan is issued by banking organizations for up to one year. In some commercial banks this term can be increased to two years.

The main “pitfall” for this type of loan is the increased interest rate on its repayment. The bank would not benefit from a small percentage of loans, without significant benefits. In addition, the bank is forced to raise the interest rate to reduce the risk of losing money. The attraction of borrowers to the conditions of short-term crediting is carried out by a simplified type of processing of documents for obtaining a loan, with flexible and loyal conditions for the basic requirements. Short-term loans are given for urgent needs (payment for purchase, treatment, training, no credit check, purchase of goods for a store or raw materials for the needs of the enterprise, etc.), when the borrower urgently needs to get cash. At the same time, he must understand that he will have to pay a high interest to the bank monthly in excess of the repayment of the loan amount.

Short-term loans: advantages for borrowers compared with medium and long-term loans

– To get a short-term loan, the borrower is required to provide a minimum package of documents: a passport or other identity cards.

– A decision on granting a loan to a borrower by a bank is made within three calendar days.

– The bank does not require penalties from individuals or legal entities for early repayment of the loan. You can pay part of the loan or its entire amount at any time before the agreed maturity date in cash at any branch of the bank that issued the money loan.

– The contract for short-term loans is issued without providing a certificate of income, without guarantors and any collateral from the borrower.

Some borrowers naively believe that making out a short-term loan, they will have to pay less interest, because they will repay the debt faster. However, the amount of interest payments is in fact no less than with a long-term loan, and sometimes even higher, as a banking institution insures itself against the risk of losing credited money.

In any friendship environment, there must be (at least one person) who has an online business, especially in the women’s communities. This fact is supported by the current condition that ‘anything’ can be sold online easily. The development of digital technology has indeed opened up many opportunities in various fields, especially the business world. This opportunity is certainly not missed by young people like you.

Business management is quite easy without the need to spend a lot of time and energy into one of the advantages. In fact, you who have no capital at all can start an online business by becoming a reseller. In order for making your business survive, you need a few strategies. Unfortunately many online business owners are less knowledgeable about the strategies and all their actions actually make their buyers discouraged to buy. The most common mistake is when they are promoting their products. Here are some mistakes in selling online:

Overuse of promotions

If this is done, then you will disturb your friends’ timeline and unconsciously you will make the potential buyers (your friends) step aside. Therefore, you are strongly advised to create a special fanpage that contains all the products you sell. That way you will not interfere with your friends’ timeline.

Upload unattractive photos and do not provide information clearly

You may not yet be a professional trader and you may not have any idea how to create very good ads. But your skills are not an excuse to put up the photos that are not qualified. Do not feel satisfied just by displaying photos of products originating from your distributors only. You should start learning applications for editing photos and designing products. At least you have to master Corel Draw and Photoshop to make each photo of your products you display able to attract anyone who sees them.


This is a classic mistake. Many amateur online merchants lie that their products are ready stock, but they do not have any inventory. Customers will resign if they have booked but the ordered items are no longer available.