610,000 people die from heart disease every year. That makes heart disease the deadliest killer on the planet.

Heart disease is characterized by several symptoms that ultimately work to limit or cease vital bodily functions. For example, eating an unhealthy diet could cause clots in your arteries. These clots could hamper blood’s ability to get to your brain which could lead to a stroke.

Men are disproportionately effected by heart disease and therefore, we thought it important to go over common signs of heart disease in men in hopes of helping you stay vigilant.

In addition to quickly going over heart disease signs, we’ll wrap up this piece by offering practical tips that can help you improve your heart health!

1. Uncharacteristic Trouble Breathing

Your blood is what carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. When blood stops flowing, parts of your body, including your lungs, will have a hard time operating. That’s why people that are in the beginning stages of heart disease report severe shortness of breath, particularly after exercise.

This condition can stabilize with rest but without intervention, may turn into a deadly issue.

2. Sharp Pains in Your Chest, Neck, Torso and Jaw

One of the most imminent signs of heart disease in men is pain in certain parts of the body. That pain is usually reported in the chest, neck, torso and jaw.

While a variety of heart health factors might cause discomfort in these areas, symotoms have been attibuted to blood flow shortages which cause nerves to fire.

3. Frequent Chest Pressure

Lack of oxygen flowing into your heart can lead to what’s called angina. Angina is the scientific term for chest pain.

While occasional chest pain could be the bi-product of harmless gas, frequent pain coupled with an unhealthy lifestyle can be a serious sign of an imminent heart attack.

Some people report chest pain that’s associated with heart disease to feel like a squeezing sensation.

4. Irregular Heart Beat Patterns

Your heart has a rhythm that it keeps when you’re resting, performing moderate, and heavy physical activities. While your baseline heartbeats will change as you get older, those that are at risk of heart disease may experience irregular variations over the course of a short period.

These irregularities are attributed to stunted blood flow stemming from clogged or restricted arteries.

5. Odd Feelings in Extremities

When your blood isn’t moving through your body correctly, the first places that you’ll feel it is in your body’s extremities. That’s because low blood pressure makes it difficult for blood to travel to places like the tips of your fingers or up to your head.

Odd feelings having to do with blood restriction include numbness and tingling sensations.

6. Bouts With Fainting

Restricted blood flow means restricted oxygen to your brain. Restricted oxygen to your brain can result in fainting spells.

There are many reasons why you might faint on any given day. If bouts with fainting are frequent for you and tend to occur after physical activity, see a doctor.

7. Unexplained Nausea Spells

Nausea is a heart disease symptom that is more commonly seen in women than in men. Still, men can experience this symptom.

Given the variety of reasons as to why you may be experiencing stomach pain, it’s important to not assume heart disease whenever you’re being plagued with indigestion. Talk to your doctor so they can help you get to the bottom of what may be causing your stomach issues.

How You Can Keep Your Heart Healthy

Now that you know some of the signs of heart disease in men, let’s work to reduce your chances of ever experiencing them. If you commit three things to memory that can help you keep your heart in great shape, let it be these:

See Your Doctor

You can read blog posts on heart health until you’re blue in the face. The truth is though that the absolute best way to keep your heart healthy and diseases at bay is to make regular appointments with your doctor.

Your doctor can run you through tests that can help them deduce how healthy your heart is functioning. If they find that you’re at a high-risk for heart disease they can recommend dietary changes or prescribe medication.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Your heart health starts with what you put in your body. Making healthy eating choices that lower your cholesterol can keep arteries clear and will make it so you feel your best daily.

Exercise Within Your Means

By undertaking just 30-minutes of physical activity each day, you’ll be more active than 95% of adults. So, get ahead of the curve and make it a point to exercise regularly, within your means.

If you’re at a high-risk of heart disease, take precautions to ensure that you’re not caught in a bad situation. Doing something as simple as carrying the smallest AED with you in case of an emergency could save your life.

Now That You Know Common Signs of Heart Disease in Men, Stay Vigilant

Knowing common signs of heart disease in men should equip you to better listen to what your body is saying. If you ever feel one of the symptoms that we’ve mentioned coming on, don’t take any chances and go see a doctor.

Getting ahead of heart disease today can save you from a life-threatening heart attack or stroke tomorrow.For more helpful information on all things health, business, travel and more, check out the newest content on our blog!