Social media is a cornerstone of your digital marketing efforts and should always be integrated within your strategy. It is about driving a conversation and engaging with your audience in real time to build your online reputation. Many users will go right to social media to look up your brand, or talk about your brand, and you want to make sure you’re in on this action.

Everything begins with a good plan, but you need to be able to maximize all of your efforts and tie them together for success. Here are some ways you can use social media integration to create a successful marketing campaign.

Embed Your Social Media Accounts Into Your Website Content

Social media integration is all about making sure your social media efforts go as far as they possibly can without being too overwhelming for your audience and followers. One way to integrate social media right on your website is to embed content on your site. For example, take an image you’ve recently posted on Instagram and embed it into an article (wherever the content is relevant). Another way to do this is just to have your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feed update live on your site so that people can see the most recent posts you’ve made.

Make Everything Shareable

Make Everything Shareable

A major part of your digital marketing efforts should be sharing content from your website on social media, such as blogs and articles. However, you should also make sure that people can share your content on their own for added exposure and reach within additional social circles. If your content is valuable, people will want to share it and this manifests in free word of mouth marketing for you. Ensure that you have social follow and social share buttons on your website pages so people can easily share your content on their own social media feeds, or start following you for more.

Integrate Social Media Into Traditional Marketing Campaigns

If your business has a brick and mortar storefront, or an office, incorporate social media in person or through your traditional marketing campaigns. For example, post your social media handles in the office or store or add them to your business cards, flyers, and other traditional marketing pieces. You can incorporate your social media on posters right in your store window or in a trade show booth as well, so people can go back and check out your pages later on.

Let Your Customers be Social Media Advocates

A great way to integrate social media is to share customer images of your product or other images of the product in action. This not only helps promote user-generated content, but lets your customers feel like they are part of your brand. For example, if you run a retail store, suggest that your customers post photos on their own social media using your product and tag your brand. From there, you can re-share them on your own pages and give credit to the real-life customer. If you’re having trouble getting your audience to do this, you can always consider running a contest to promote sharing.

Watch Your Social Metrics and Research Your Audience

Social metrics and website analytics will tell you what your audience is responding to and what they are sharing or liking. You can learn a lot about people this way, which can in turn become valuable for your digital marketing and audience targeting. For example, if you run a pet store and you make a social media post that includes a tip for walking your dog and people really respond to it, make a whole article about it and share that when it’s posted. This is how you know which content to provide and what will get more shares from your followers.