Things All Parents Need to Know about Montessori Education

Things All Parents Need to Know about Montessori Education

Montessori education is an educational methodology that’s been around since the late 1800s. It was created by Maria Montessori to give children the opportunity to explore their interests and develop skills at their own pace. But what exactly is Montessori education, and how does it differ from traditional schooling? Read on for everything you need to know about this progressive approach to child-rearing:

It’s a child-centred learning environment.

Montessori education is a child-centred approach to learning. The classroom environment is designed in such a way that the child is able to learn by experiencing the world around him or her. The children are encouraged to explore their surroundings and express themselves freely, always with an adult nearby as they do so.

Thus, it’s not surprising that Montessori classrooms look very different from traditional schools; there are no desks or chairs—only materials for hands-on exploration and activities that encourage independent thinking and problem-solving skills.

Additionally, Wonder Valley, an international Montessori kindergarten in Hat Yai is a good example of what the Montessori Education system looks like. They provide a safe, nurturing environment for children to grow and learn through playful exploration surrounded by greenery and beautiful nature. The teachers are trained in the Montessori method, which emphasizes independence and self-directed learning.

The Montessori method focuses on providing all children with equal access to materials and experiences at their own individual pace of development, which means you’ll see kids engaged in everything from painting on easels to working with magnifying glasses at all ages.

It’s all about unplugging.

Montessori education teaches children how to work independently, think creatively and communicate effectively. It’s all about unplugging.

Montessori schools are designed to foster independence in children by encouraging them to do things on their own without adult supervision. You might be surprised at how much your child can accomplish when you give him or her the space and time needed to figure it out for themselves.

By seeing what your child is capable of doing independently, it will also make you feel more confident about leaving them alone at home while you’re at work or running errands.

It’s really, really old.

You may have heard that Montessori education is the latest, hottest thing in education. That’s true to some extent, but it’s important to keep in mind that Montessori has been around for a long time. So, if you’re interested in trying out this method of learning at home or in your child’s school, rest assured that it has been tried and tested by many generations of children before yours.

It focuses on the child, not academics.

Montessori education is centred around the child. It’s not about what their parents want or what their teachers think they need. The Montessori approach trusts that if you give children the freedom to explore, they will learn and discover in ways you never could have imagined.

It teaches independence.

Montessori education teaches independence. Children are encouraged to work independently, and teachers step in only when they’re needed. Because of this, children are expected to do things for themselves and learn responsibility. They learn by doing—and sometimes making mistakes—which means that they learn how to solve problems on their own instead of looking for someone else to solve them for them.

It fosters self-sufficiency.

The Montessori method teaches children to be self-sufficient and to make their own decisions. It’s about teaching them that they are responsible for their lives and the world around them. In a Montessori classroom, there are no punishments or rewards—and no lectures on how a child should behave.

Instead, children are given the tools they need to succeed while being taught how they fit into their community at large as well as how they can make contributions to it outside of school hours.

They learn what is expected of them through observation and practice rather than instruction so that when it comes time for them to leave an environment where everyone treats one another equally regardless of age or experience level, kids will have gained confidence in themselves from having taken ownership over all aspects of their learning experience at school.

By encouraging students’ autonomy from such an early age through activities such as gardening, cooking healthy meals together with friends’ families at home; independent reading projects; cleaning chores before bedtime etc., these skills translate into life beyond formal education later on down the line – even if those things don’t seem like much now.

It’s about finding your passion, not performance.

Montessori education is about developing a child’s sense of self, not teaching them how to win or perform. It’s about helping them find their passion, not forcing them into a predefined mould.

Montessori structures the classroom around elements that facilitate learning, with the goal of providing an environment that fosters independent thinking and exploration.

It promotes empathy and understanding among children of all ages.

The environment of the Montessori classroom is designed to inspire empathy in children. In fact, this is a goal of every Montessori school and program. When you think about it, this makes complete sense.

Children who are taught to be considerate and respectful of each other will not only learn how to be good citizens in their own communities but also become better workers wherever they go. This means that they will be more productive members of society when they grow up—which benefits everyone.

It doesn’t involve grades, quizzes or tests.

Montessori students don’t have grades, quizzes or tests. They are not evaluated on a daily basis by their teachers, and they aren’t rewarded for doing well. Instead, they learn through observation, practice and repetition. Also, children can focus on developing skills that will serve them later in life: critical thinking skills, math and language proficiency, and social awareness/empathy among others. In this way, Montessori students work at their own pace because they’re free to direct their attention where they want it to go rather than be forced down one narrow path.


Montessori education is not just a method of teaching, but also a way to develop children’s minds, bodies and spirits. Montessori schools are often considered to be more academically rigorous than other types of schools, but there are still many aspects that make them unique and worth considering for your child’s education.