DIY is one of the fastest growing industries in America. People have began to use their free time to create things and bring out the artist within. Instead of shopping at your favorite craft store, why not pick up a few items and try to make things for yourself. To get started some ideas could range from using the food in your pantry to cutting up an old box that was delivered at Christmas. DIY projects are good for birthdays and even for making decorations for the holidays. There is nothing like getting a cool item that was made with love from a family member or friend.


A wreath is a great place to start. You can use burlap, paper, or any other material that you can get your hands on to make a wreath. There are several templates online and even videos that can show you how to make a specific design. Add flowers for the summer and pines for the fall. Changing up your wreath will keep your home festive all year round. If you have a special event, visiting a craft store for the appropriate designs will impress all who attend. You can even personalize it by adding a name.

Dry erase board

For those of you who use a dry erase board for business or fun, you can make your own specialized board. The dry erase markers work on glass, so you can find a frame that is the size of the board that you want to use, take out the glass and put a different design behind it. Put the glass back in and make sure that your board is in a sturdy place or securely mounted on a wall. You can use this board just like a regular dry erase board. Even add stickers for added fun.

Storage Bins

If you have those old boxes from the holidays still sitting around, you can grab your glue gun and use paper, cloth, burlap, or any other material that might be appropriate. Place the box in the center of the material and cover it completely and tightly, making sure that each side is glued correctly. When you are finished, you can add string, ribbon, name tags or any other decoration to make it your own. If you are doing this project with kids, you might have to substitute the glue gun for a glue stick. You can use these bins to store anything from q-tips to your spare vape batteries.

Use what you have

If you already have items in your home that you have purchased but have not used, you can change the ambiance of a room in your home by adding decorations. If you have candles, adding glitter, stickers and many other items will help set the right mood. If you have items that you have purchased from a yard sale, you can make them your own by changing the color or design. For items that have already been painted, you can strip off all of the paint to create a vintage look. If you add polish, it can look like you paid a fortune.

There are so many projects that you can do in your spare time. The first step is finding out if you want to do a project that you can complete in a day or if you want to do something that will take a longer amount of time. If you are working with children, be sure to substitute the tools for the appropriate items to prevent injury. Using a template to make sure that the design is correct can save you a lot of time and frustration. There might also be classes in your city that will teach you how to make certain items. Check your local library, community newspaper or your church to see if they have an arts program or a do it yourself class. When you work in a group, sharing ideas can make the project easier and you will have support.