Breast implant surgery is one of the most common plastic surgery choices for women all around the world. The appearance of a woman’s breast can either help or hurt her self-esteem, and sometimes a little alteration is just what the doctor ordered.
Breast implants may seem like a no-brainer, but you should be able to make an informed decision about going under the knife. Here is a quick summary of a few of the most important things you should know before you decide to have breast augmentation surgery.
Choose the type of implant
Your mind likely goes straight to silicone when you consider breast implants, but you can opt for saline implants instead. A good surgeon will thoroughly explain the differences between saline and silicone implants, but the decision is entirely your own.
Silicone breast implants are known to look more natural than saline, but the incision is much larger. The size of your implant will dictate the size of your incision mark.
Saline breast implants only require a small incision, because the implants are filled after they are placed. In the event of a leak, the saline in your implant won’t cause any harm to your insides. Saline is sterile and similar to the liquids already in your body.
Choose the placement of your implants
The placement of your breast implant presents two options. You can have your surgeon place your implant above or below your pectoral muscles. Prepectoral implant surgery is a bit more invasive than your other option, so consider all the variables.
Breastfeeding after implant surgery
Most women can still breastfeed their children after breast implant surgery. There are some difficulties that could arise, but the majority of patients have no issues. A small percentage of women do have some issues with nipple sensitivity, and that could impede the production of milk in your breasts.
Prepare yourself for the pain
Breast augmentation surgery is painful. You will need the ability to lay still in your bed for a few days after surgery. You won’t feel like doing much more than existing. Take your pain meds as prescribed, and get plenty of rest. Your body needs time to rest and heal.
How your mammogram might change
You can still get a mammogram with breast implants, but the process is a bit more complicated. Your doctor may have to do more scans than normal to get an accurate view of what’s going on inside your breasts.
You have to maintain your new breasts
Breast implants aren’t completely carefree. After surgery, you will need to take steps to actively maintain the look of your implants. Have your doctor check regularly for leaks or any other abnormalities.