New techniques and trends emerge in the field of digital marketing every year. Not only trends but the number of internet users and their behavior change too. As per the Infocomm report, Singaporean households with internet access is increasing year over year.

In 2019, 70% of users were connected to two or more computers at home, increasing from 57% in 2010. This impacts how they use the internet at their home. Here are some tips that any top digital marketing agency in Singapore will follow to make the most of digital marketing in 2021.

Build an Ecommerce Store if You Haven’t Already

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced both businesses and consumers to shop online. With lockdown and movement restrictions in place, consumers had no choice but to look for products and services online.

And as per experts, this trend of online shopping is going to continue even after the pandemic gets over. Consumers got used to the online shopping behavior and the convenience and accessibility it offered. Many existing online shoppers have actually increased the spending, according to Garick Kea of Nielsen.

So you should set up an online ecommerce store for 2021 to adapt to the consumer’s buying habits.

Focus on Local SEO

The Year in Search Singapore report published by Google shed some light on Singaporean searchers’ changing behavior. The report revealed that there was a massive 44% increase in the “Near me” type of searches in Singapore. Also, a 60% increase in “free delivery” searches.

These trends suggest that people conduct a local search to access on-demand services and get information about their locality. Moving into 2021, you must capitalize on this trend to drive your business.

Even if you own multiple stores across Singapore, you must do a local listing for each store. This way, searchers will be shown the store that’s nearest to them.

Optimize for Voice Search

2020 was the year when 50% of the total searches made were predicted to be voice searches. In 2021, it will continue as people adopt smart speakers like Google Nest and Amazon Echo. Also, interaction with voice assistants on mobile has increased over the years.

So you cannot afford not to optimize your website for voice searches. You can hire a digital marketing agency in Singapore if it’s not something you’ve done before.

Repurpose Content from 2020 and Older

One cheap tactic that will fetch great dividends is content repurposing. You’re not essentially creating new content but repurposing older ones to make them more relevant in 2021.

Find the pieces of content that have done well in 2020. Then create a video on it and share it on YouTube. Or create an Infographic and re-share with your existing audience. With creativity, you’ll find endless possibilities.

Read More: What Must be the Digital Marketing Strategy for a New Product Launch?

Try New Marketing Platforms

For New Year, your marketing tactics should include something new. New platforms emerge all the time. For example, you can use TikTok for video sharing if you haven’t already. You can share content on Quora or run ads on Duckduckgo. One benefit of trying out newer marketing platforms is the cost is going to be lower. When hiring a digital marketing agency in Singapore for 2021, you should do your homework and research about the agency before hiring. A good-fit agency will take your business to greater heights, while an irrelevant one will take it downward.