Ghost towns are abandoned places which mostly have significant evident remnants. They always become specter places since the economic ventures that sustained them failed or due to human-triggered or natural disasters like government action, war, nuclear disaster or floods. Abandoned ruins are commonly associated with ancient places like Machu Picchu or Pompeii, though many 19th and 10th century settlements were left to rot after known events that forced people to flee. Some of these ghost towns became familiar places for movie sets and tourist visitors while others remained untouched thus mysterious and attractive to traveler’s eye. And USA has lots of such cities that stand as eerie monuments to bygone eras.

Top highly popular specter cities in the USA

1Thurmond (West Virginia)


During the 1920s, this was a crucial destination at Ohio Railway and at Chesapeake. Upon the emergence of diesel vehicles, difficult times struck it. Thurmond was oppressed more with woes from serious fires which destroyed a lot of its structures.

2Kennecott (Alaska)

Kennecott (Alaska)

Also known as Kennicott and Kennecott Mines, it is an abandoned mining camp in the Valdez-Cordova Census Area. This was a copper quarrying region that was first occupied during the early 20th century. Upon exhausting copper supplies, Kennecott was deserted in the late 1930s. Currently, it is in the Public List of legendary towns and it is a National Historic Landmark District administered by the National Park Service.

3North Brother Island (New York)

North Brother Island

North Brother city is located at the center of East river amidst the Queens and Bronx. This town used to be a residence of the remains of Riverside infirmary where people that suffered quarantinable illnesses got treated. The town later became the location of war expert house and a drug rehabilitation place. It was later deserted during the 1960s. Currently, it is a delegated bird harbor out of bounds to the public.

4Rhyolite (Nevada)

Rhyolite (Nevada)

Occupied in early 1905, at its Zenith Rhyolite was a busy region and a residence to an active social scene. It began as one of several mining campls that then sprang up after a prospecting discovery in the nearby hills. This town was a prosperous place for quite some time. However in 1912 after the 1907 economic fright and shutting down of most regional enterprises made it a specter town.

5Picher (Oklahoma)

Picher (Oklahoma)

This is one of the United States’ most recent specter towns. It was deserted in 2009 with about ten people remaining. This town was abandoned after the discovery of zinc and lead excavates near it that brought serious damages to the regional environments and its inhabitants’ well-being.

6Cahawba (Alabama)

Cahawba (Alabama)

One of the most interesting facts about Cahawba is that it was Alabama’s territory metropolis since 1819 until 1826. Issues of recurrent floods made its status to be re-granted to Tuscaloosa. When the American civil combat was over, the previously flourishing antebellum river city’s populace reduced so much. At the beginning of 1900, most of the place had been deserted.

7Centralia (Pennsylvania)

Centralia (Pennsylvania)

This is also among the most recent specter towns in America. This town used to be a busy place that served as a residence to a tight knit fraternity in spite of a collapse in quarrying in the halfway twentieth century. In 1962 is when an underground mine fire exploded and it still rages until now. During the early 1980’s, the fire brought a high level of carbon monoxide and this made Centralia an unsuitable place to stay. It is currently vacant with very scarce structures.

8Bodie (California)

Bodie (California)

This is the previous California gold scramble city which had its heydays during the 1880s. The place deteriorated during the pre-1st world combat time. Bodie is among the most fully specter areas in America. Most of its remarkable structures are still undamaged. This town used to be a residence to a social site since its major highway was once a location of 65 boutiques besides numerous scuffles and shoot-outs.

9Animas Forks (Colorado)

Animas Forks (Colorado)

Animas Forks is a secluded mountain that is located at Colorado’s San Juan bush edges. This town was occupied in 1873 and within some time, it became a great mining place. Its secluded locality and strident weather condition made it a hard place to stay in. Its occupants used to relocate to Silverton during wintertime. As quarrying deteriorated, the place also deteriorated and during the 1920s it became a specter place.

10Glenrio (Mexico)

Glenrio (Mexico)

This was first occupied in the early 1900s. It served as a residence to little farms communities and it later became an awesome destination at the USA’s symbolic road 66 in the mid-twentieth century. During the mid 1970’s after the new delegated leg of Interstate 40 highway de-touring the place, Glenrio deteriorated.


Those are the top once crowded towns which are now abandoned. However, they are preserved well to the extent that one may think that they got deserted recently. These places are haunting as they once were thriving towns.

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