Even the most skilled designers and product engineers are as good as the product development/design tools they use. As PCB design becomes more complex and sophisticated, and designers and engineers need more advanced methods of simulation and scanning, designers and product engineers need tools and software that meet industry needs.

We understand the challenges of finding the right tools for a real project and budget. That’s why we searched the Internet for the 5 PCB viewer software Tools for Real-Time Design Collaboration. For our list to be complete, the tools must have the reputation of being useful, powerful, and resource-rich.

A great collaborative design tool should create transparency and enable your team to collaborate effortlessly and easily. Here are some of the best tools here for inspiration/sharing in this area.


A free online drawing tool that includes everything you need for designing, including schema icons, system blocks, and more. Scheme-is an easy-to-use, risk-free tool.

Key Features:

  • Schematic diagrams and user-defined symbols
  • System blocks
  • System icons
  • Export, share and print options


If you are looking for online scanners to capture circuit diagrams and circuit simulation tools, consider the Circuit Lab. Every student and enthusiast of professional engineers can use CircuitLab to design, share and discuss their design, and then analyze analog and digital systems before designing prototypes.

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use schematic editor
  • Accurate simulation of analog and digital circuits in seconds
  • Professional schematic PDF, spinning chart, and plot
  • No installation required

KiCad EDA Software Suite

KiCad EDA Software Suite is a product design tool that creates professional graphics and printed circuit boards. Product designers choose the KiCad EDA Software Suite for up to 32 copper layers with additional technical layers.

Key Features:

  • Contains an extensive library of 3D models
  • Under the active development of a team of developers and user groups
  • Includes a project manager and four leading independent software tools, including Eeschem, Pcbnew, Gerbview, and Cvpcb


Previously Oscad, FreeEDA is an open source EDA tool that integrates with open source software like KiCad, Ngspice, and Scilab. For circuit design, simulation, analysis and PCB design, FreeEDA is a free alternative to a range of licensed software.

Key Features:

  • Draw circles, create and simulate netlist
  • Create a PCB and generate Gerber files
  • Add / Edit templates and sub-sheets using the Model Builder and Subcircuit Builder tools
  • Works on Ubuntu Linux and Windows XP and 7

Xpedition Enterprise

Mentor Graphics aims to help project engineers shorten project cycles and significantly improve quality and resource efficiency through Xpedition Enterprise’s patented technologies. “Xpedition Enterprise” is a robust solution for PCB design and is referred to as “the most innovative PCB project flow industry offering integration from system design definition to production performance.”

Key Features:

  • Full data integrity throughout the project management and project management process
  • Virtual prototypes
  • One-day flushing technique
  • integrated production design
  • Flow correction and automation methodology


EasyEDA is a professional product design tool that is EDA Web-based, schematic capture, simulation of spice cycle and PCB layout in one. With over 77,400 schematic libraries and 15,000 spices, EasyEDA provides everything a designer needs to complete it.

Key Features:

  • Publish and share easily
  • Import and export
  • Access control

No matter what the project does, electronics engineers need to know exactly how electrical circuits are configured and how they work. Without a printed circuit board (PCB), the work of an electronic engineer would be impossible. But it can be a good job for an electronics engineer to find the right software design tool for printed circuit boards because they are very busy and productive.

That’s why we’ve put together 5 PCB viewer software’s for Real-Time Design Collaboration – to save time designing your projects. We also found that one software tool is suitable for one PCB project and others are more suitable for other types of projects. That’s why we’ve added simple tools, free tools, and proprietary tools to our list. Our criteria were simple: software tools for designing electronic tools for electronics need to be intuitive, contain useful resources, identify enough risks, and have a robust library to apply to multiple projects.