Many pregnant women, or those who are planning to get pregnant, are faced with the constant debate of whether or not they should take prenatal vitamins. However, remember, this isn’t just about you anymore, but it’s also more about the new life that you’re carrying inside of you. Prenatal vitamins are extremely important, for the added nutrients that they supply your body, and more.
Here are the top five reasons why prenatal vitamins are important:
1. It supplies all the necessary nutrients that you need
For an expectant mother, it’s always highly recommended that you have a full and healthy diet. Now isn’t the time for you to indulge in junk food, but instead, make it a habit to choose meals that are full of nutrients. However, no matter how healthy and how much you eat, you may still be lacking in some essential nutrients because you’re sharing your intake with your baby. Prenatal vitamins are even more crucial for women with the following:
- Having twins.
- Born with dietary restrictions, such as those who are lactose intolerant.
- Vegan expectant mothers.
- Those with difficult pregnancies that need vitamins to support their needs.
Remember that for the baby to develop properly, it needs a full load of essential nutrients from the mother.
2. It provides you with Folic Acid
Folic acid is extremely important for a developing baby. Having folic acid will help ensure that your baby’s brain develops fully and properly, to avoid any spinal and neural defects. If you’re planning for a baby, it’s highly recommended that you start taking folic acid before you conceive. Folic acid or folate is helpful not just to the baby, but to the pregnant mother as well; taking it can help prevent difficult pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia.
Although folic acid can be taken from sources such as nuts and green leafy vegetables, these may not be enough, especially as your baby starts to grow more in the mother’s womb.
3. It can help increase your breast milk quality
Breast milk is always the best milk for babies. Therefore when you find out that you’re pregnant, it’s crucial that you also do everything that you can to help boost your milk supply and quality for when your baby comes out. If you intend on breastfeeding your baby for the first two years of their life, your Obstetrician and Gynecologist, or OB-GYN will recommend for you to continue taking your prenatal vitamins even after birth; doing this will make your milk’s quality full of nutrients, as this is the only food source of your feeding infant.
4. It is a good source of calcium
The second most important vitamin that a pregnant woman will need is calcium. When you’re pregnant, your body is constantly changing. As the baby continues to grow inside you, so does the weight that you carry every day; this can bring a physical toll on your body. Your bones need all the extra strength and support that it needs, especially in your back, pelvis and thigh area.
Calcium can usually be sourced from milk, however, especially during the first trimester, you might find that you have an aversion towards milk. Many pregnant women don’t like drinking milk. Hence, the best way for you to have more calcium supply in your body is through prenatal vitamins that support it, as you won’t have to taste the unpleasantness of milk that you might not like while pregnant.
5. It can lessen morning sickness and nauseous sensations
Morning sickness is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, and this can occur usually in the first trimester. However, for some women, their morning sickness is extreme such that they can’t even get out of bed without vomiting what they eat. Even more extreme for others is that they don’t want to eat at all because of their constant nauseous sensations.
One of the best ways for you to combat morning sickness and nauseous sensations is by taking prenatal vitamins. For working mothers, your maternity leave doesn’t start until the last trimester; hence, you really need all the support you need to stay active and not to be nauseous. More importantly in relation to morning sickness, taking prenatal vitamins will also provide you with all your needed vitamins and nutrients that you can’t get from food sources due to morning sickness.
It’s highly advisable for women to take vitamins when you’re pregnant. Because you’re pregnant, you need more supply of essential nutrients, now that you have to share your intake with life inside of you. Although prenatal vitamins are always an additional cost, it’s always worth the expense in the end.