5 Top Tips For Ensuring Your Oral Health

top tips for ensuring your Oral Health

Looking after your teeth is one it most important thing you can do. We are what we eat, so whatever passes through your mouth can have an impact on your entire overall health and wellbeing. This is why it’s so important for us all to embrace out oral health and make sure that we look after our teeth. Here we have 5 tips on looking after your oral health and making sure your dental hygiene stays on point.


As mentions above, you are what you eat. You need to avoid snacking and try to only have sugary foods and drinks at mealtimes, reducing the time your teeth come under attack! A key thing that Dentists will learn while they are in training and on Dentistry Work Placements is to advise their patients about the potential effects of sugar on their teeth.


If you want a Hollywood smile, you need to stop smoking immediately. Any dental hygienist will tell you how negatively smoking can affect your teeth, so it’s certainly a bad habit you need to get rid of! Not only is smoking bad for your health anyway, it can also be the cause of of tooth loss, tooth staining, gum disease and in more severe cases mouth cancer.


This is the number one rule for maintaining good oral health. It’s something we learn when we are small children, so why do nearly a quarter of adults in the UK not actually brush their teeth twice daily? You need to make sure you brush properly, covering every tooth and the total surface area of the tooth – twice a day for at least 2 minutes.


You’re probably no aware that flossing does about 40% of the work required to plaque from your teeth. Plaque generates acid, which can cause cavities, irritate the gums, and lead to gum disease! Flossing should be an essential part of your skin can regime.


Even if you’re a non-smoker who avoids sugar and always brushes twice a day –  you will still need visit your dentist twice a year. Visiting a dentist regularly means that any problems that you may have with your oral health can be swiftly dealt with.

You will also get more health tips on www.mfcc4health.com here you also found how became fit your daily buss routine.

Ryan Duffy is a freelance writer who is a recent university graduate in Media Studies. His passion for people and writing has encouraged him to pursue this career full-time. He has a particular affinity towards writing about lifestyle and fashion and this is where most of his work has taken him.