When you run a home business it can be easy to get bogged down with paperwork. There’s so much to keep track of and, for the most part, it’s up to you to do that job. But when you’re the head of your own home business, keeping up with the paperwork is the last thing on your mind.

That’s where home business software comes into play. Thanks to the power of the internet, there’s virtually nothing that a program can’t do for you. And it can do it faster and with a fraction of the headache, most of the time. Well, you can try out Sage 300 ERP for your business management.

If you’re new to running a home business, keep reading. We’re going to break down the different types of home business software that could make your work day much easier.

Straightening Out the Finances

The first thing you should do is find good software that can help you keep your finances in order.

There’s software out there like TurboTax, H&R Block, TaxAct, and Jackson Hewitt Online that can get your taxes in order so you don’t have to worry about them. Many of these services offer basic functions, like filing taxes for a single person for free, while others charge for small businesses.

There’s also software to help you with your accounting and bookkeeping. If you’re looking for a free solution for your accounting, invoicing, and payroll needs, the Wave series of apps might be what you’re looking for.

There’s also the better known QuickBooks that comes with all kinds of packages, no matter what your business needs are.

Employee and Project Management

Something that many people are surprised that they can manage through a software system is employee productivity. The old trope of a tired employee punching a time clock every day is long gone, replaced by more updated methods of clocking in and out of work.

But even that field is growing. Now you can even find free timesheet software to update your home business.

Even the world of HR can be handled with software. Companies like Workable, BambooHR, Workday, and Insperity are working to bring all aspects of human resources to your fingertips. With these pieces of technology, you can post jobs, select and organize candidates, and streamline the hiring process with a click of the mouse.

Productivity is another area that digital software can help improve. WIth apps like Evernote where you can organize your thoughts into notebooks, accessible anywhere that you have internet access, you can keep your thoughts and ideas organized and stay on task.

They also make software to help you stay focused! Many of these products work by installing blockers on your computer to keep you away from distracting websites that can cost you time and money. But there is also a software called RescueTime where you can track what you’re doing and when so you can see how much time you’re spending on certain tasks.

Building an Unforgettable Website

It used to be that in order to build a gorgeous, workable website that you had to hire a developer to get it done for you. But those days are long gone thanks to websites like WordPress where you can build a website from scratch using their software.

Then competitors like Squarespace and Wix came into the scene, providing more options for their consumers.

With the help of software like these, there’s virtually nothing that you can’t do with your website. You can set up a digital marketplace, advertise your services, or tell a compelling story that will make your brand a staple in your customer’s minds.

All of this with a few clicks of a mouse.

The Online Billing Department

We live in a world where e-commerce is a major player in the world’s economy. If online payments make sense for your business, you need to make that an option for your customers.

Software like PayPal makes it easy for your customers to transfer money from their bank account to yours with minimal to no fees involved.

There’s also software like Square, Stripe, Shopify, and Amazon Payments where you can list your goods online and create an online marketplace for your customers to shop from anywhere in the world.

Getting Your Brand Out There

Marketing is another thing that can be made easier through the help of software. HubSpot, Marketo, Hatchbuck, and InfusionSoft are all programs that can help you create marketing campaigns.

Email marketing is a breeze now thanks to various automated services that make customized email campaigns. MailChimp is a popular program that will make sure that your emails go out on time every month.

Treating Your Customers Right

Customer service is a personal thing and many people are apprehensive about allowing software to take over that particular area of their business for them. However, one way that you can make your customer service a little more streamlined is by adding a helpdesk feature to your website.

There are many different software programs out there that will provide your customers with answers to a variety of questions.

Maintaining a Growth Mindset

One of our favorite types of small business software out there is the kind that helps you grow as a person and a business owner. When you have a successful home business, you prove that you’re willing to do what it takes to make the impossible happen. What better way to reward yourself than to invest some time into yourself?

Udemy, EDx, and Clarity.fm are all software resources where you can learn how to grow your business, your brand, and yourself as well.

Update Your Home Business Software

Home business software doesn’t have to be an expensive investment that involves an entire day of sitting in front of your computer and downloading update after update just to get the program to work. With these and many other easy to use software programs, you can make running a home business easier so you have more time to do what you love.If you’re a business owner looking to learn how to make the most out of your business, check out this article next!