In this modern day, nobody needs to have surgery any longer to rid themselves of their vein issues. In 2005 a treatment called Endovenous Laser Therapy or EVLT was created to treat extensive varicose veins and venous ulcers. Insignificantly intrusive, this method can be proficient utilizing a catheter and ultrasound innovation to embed a laser fiber. As the fiber is pulled back, it is enacted, searing the issue vein which will be then re-consumed into the body with other sound veins taking its spot. This treatment has a 98% achievement rate, and best of all, you exit the building a short time later!
Alright, now that you’ve finished the Endovenous Laser Therapy you may be curious as to what’s next? Now it’s time to get your legs ready to rock out the summer months. Gone are the days when you have to wear pants in eighty plus degree heat. You no longer need to worry about people staring at your legs for any other reason than that they are surprised to see them. Here are a few tips for getting your legs into fighting shape this summer.
Use an Exfoliating Brush
An exfoliating body brush is used for the removal of dead skin cells. To be used as you would any other brush, except not to be on wet skin.
Time To Shave
Go ahead and shave your legs. Shave them wet as it is much better for your skin that way. Shaving your legs will remove not only hair but also the dead skin cells that have accumulated. Use plenty of shaving cream!
Use a Smoothing Cream
You’ll want to use a smoothing cream to offset any irritation caused by the shaving. This will help with anything from ingrown hairs to razor rash. For the best results use the smoothing cream directly after shaving.
Add Some Shine
I would recommend a moisturizing toner/tanner that will help to firm up any loose tissue and take that ghostly glow away. The moisturizer will keep any flaking or peeling from occurring, keeping your legs looking healthy and smooth. To avoid any splotches do this after shaving.
Use Moisturizer Regularly
If you take super hot showers, this should be a twice a day process for you. Otherwise, a thorough moisturizing once should be sufficient. Be sure to choose a lotion packed with vitamins and essential oils and one that contains either shea or cocoa butter.
You should always use sunscreen. Even when the sky is grey and cloudy, the sun’s rays can be damaging to your skin. The back of the leg is often overlooked or doesn’t get enough sunscreen so pay close attention to cover them well, doubly so when using a spray. For the best coverage, cream is always recommended.
Time To Work On That Tan
Don’t get a spray tan. They never seem to work right and will often leave you looking more like one of Willy Wonka’s Oompa Loompas than a human being. Use a bronzer or tanning lotion instead.The natural look is worth the extra time this process takes. If your complexion is fair be sure to start with something around 15-20 SPF. Otherwise, you’ll burn and peel.
Tone Up
If you’re working with a little extra flab that’s ok! There are plenty of home exercises you can do to tone up your legs without a terrible amount of effort involved on your part. These include calf raises, lunges, and squats. Yoga is also a neat and trendy way to both tone up and to increase flexibility
It appears that a new trend has become popular–contouring. Leg contouring involves purchasing a contouring kit that contains leg makeup and using it to highlight areas of your legs to make them look more appealing
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Hydrate. I really cannot stress this enough. Healthy skin starts with proper drinking habits. This includes your legs as well.
Good drinking habits don’t mean a little water now and then when nothing else is readily available. Eight glasses a day people, and that’s if you aren’t doing anything strenuous.
There are countless individuals managing varicose veins. It’s exhausting the spring months. Exacerbated by the warmth, your already swollen veins enlarge even further. Then there is the other side of living with varicose veins. The emotional stress. Having to choose between wearing pants in 90-degree weather or dealing with the stares if you wear shorts. But, with the right treatment, and some help from these tips, you will be on your way to great looking legs this summer.