Whether you’re managing a team of in-house staff or a group of remote employees, it’s your responsibility to come up with effective ways to show your staff you truly appreciate them and all they do. Otherwise your team will feel underappreciated, unwanted, and they’ll ultimately put as little effort possible just to get the job done. When employees feel appreciated, they will always go the extra mile.

With that said, we’ll take a look at three best ways to show appreciation for your employees. By using these tips not only will your productivity sore, but you’ll work with a group of happy, appreciated, hard-working people that go out of their way to take care of business.

1. Give Gift Card Incentives To The Top Producers Of Your Company

One of the quickest and easiest ways to improve productivity and show appreciation is to provide financial incentives to your employees. You can do this in a number of ways, just make sure to reward those doing excellent work.

As an example, give the top producer a Visa gift card or a gift card to their favorite retail store. By doing so, your employees will have a chance to buy items from websites like WearSaga, Amazon, Target, Walmart, or anywhere else they might like.

At the end of the day, this approach will keep your employees focused on the weekly, monthly, bimonthly, or yearly award being given. They will work hard to improve their productivity numbers because they will want to win the big reward when given the opportunity.

2. Give Performance Bonuses To Employees Who Deserve It

Performance BonuseThis is very similar to giving gift cards but it takes the idea to a whole new level. By offering bigger financial rewards and incentives throughout the year, you will have a group of happy employees that are willing to work hard all the time because they’ll want to take advantage of the opportunity to make extra money.

So, while looking over payroll related spreadsheets you can download from Clockspot, think about giving deserved employees a performance bonus from time to time. Add it to their paycheck when they least expect it and you’ll see their eyes light up and a huge smile come across their faces. You’ll feel great about the decision. Giving your employees this extra money can make a huge difference in their lives, so do not hesitate to provide performance bonuses to those who work hard to make your company run like a well-oiled machine.

3. Praise Employees For A Job Well Done

So far we’ve focused on financial rewards, but that’s only one way to show appreciation for your employees. Another way is to provide them with ample praise throughout the work week. But only give praise when it’s well-deserved, because giving too much undeserved praise will take away from the gesture.

So, the next time one of your employees does something great for the company, make it a point to thank them and tell them they did an excellent job. They’ll be happy you noticed their hard work and effort.


Your employees want to feel appreciated. It’s a well-known fact. So provide them with praise and adulation as well as financial incentives when they do phenomenal work. You’ll have the happiest employees in the world if you take this advice to heart.