When it comes to web design and starting to build a digital footprint, there much more to do nowadays than just to learn how to make a website. For your website to be effective and do the things you need it to for your business, you will need to build authority and get traffic, specifically organic traffic.

In order to do those things, you will need to take some key steps and learn about things like analytics and SEO. However, you don’t have to do it all yourself, and you are not alone. There are web tools specifically designed to help you make your new website the best it can be. Here are seven webtools that help new sites build both authority and traffic.

1. Google Analytics

Google AnalyticsNo matter what kind of business you have or what type of website you have created, you need to analyze how effective it is. The key component to this is Google analytics, a small piece of code you put in your website that helps Google track visitors to your site and their behavior while they are there.

This will show you repeat visitors, unique visitors, and bounce rates. It also reveals what pages people visit and in what order. This reveals a lot about your site and what is working and what isn’t so you can change things to build more traffic.

2. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO foIf you are not familiar with Search Engine Optimization or SEO, it is the data in your website, titles, and posts that lets Google and other search engines know what your site and each page is about. Google uses this information to “rank” your page in certain searches.

Yoast SEO is a plugin for your WordPress site that helps you set the right keywords and tells you how well your pages or posts are constructed for the best SEO results. It helps you with what you don’t know. Good rankings and SEO mean more organic traffic, the kind of traffic your site needs to grow and be successful.

3. OptinMonster

OptinMonsterOne of the best ways to build traffic and authority both is to have a solid and extensive email list. How do you get subscribers? Well, you can have subscription forms on your website, and OptinMonster is a plugin that lets you create them easily. They will be displayed as a customer moves to the upper right or upper left-hand corner to leave the website. Users report large increases in subscribers using this method.

4. Thirsty Affiliates

Thirsty AffiliatesOne of the best ways to build authority with your site and to make some money on the side is to have relevant affiliates. This plugin lets you add relevant affiliate links, clean them up so they look pretty, and suggests the optimum anchor text to get more clicks and conversions.

Affiliates also make you money but be careful. Make sure they are relevant to your business and add real value to your site. Handling them the right way is good, the wrong way can get you penalized by Google or other search engines.

5. Floating Social Bar

One way you will get more traffic is by people sharing your posts on social media, and this will add authority to your site as well. Backlinks and shares are vitally important to both, and social sharing is one of many ways you can build them.

The floating social bar moves down as the reader scrolls, allowing them to share your blog post or page without having to scroll to the top or bottom of the page or look for a specific sidebar. The easier a reader can share your post, the more likely they are to do so.

6. Constant Contact

Constant ContactOnce you have built that email list, you will want to do something with it, and this means sending emails to your subscribers. Managing that list and creating email and newsletter campaigns is vital, and Constant Contact helps you do it the right way. Sending newsletters or emails regularly keeps your readers engaged with you and your content, and reminds them to visit your site.

This is one of the surest ways to keep and build traffic.

7. Google AdWords  Keyword Planner

Google AdWords Keyword PlannerThe SEO we mentioned above? It is no good without the right keywords, and you need to know what those are and how to plan them. The Google keyword planner helps you decide what keywords to use when, and helps you keep track of what you have done before.

It can also help you keep track of your rankings in key areas. The searches you want to show up in are driven by these keywords and phrases and tracking how you are doing helps you either stay on track with your efforts or change tactics depending on results, therefore increasing your traffic and your authority in certain keyword areas.


Once you start your site, you will have to build authority and traffic so that it starts working with you and for you. Use these seven tools to get started on the right foot.

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