Believe it or not, about 67 percent of customers are willing to switch to a new company if they have a bad customer service experience.

For business owners, this means customer service needs to be a priority at all times. But before you can provide fantastic customer service, you need to understand what customers look for.

Strictly speaking, customers just want to feel important and the best way to do that is to answer the question, “what does great customer service mean to you?”

Every business has a different answer. But there are some things that always make customer service stellar, no matter what industry you’re in.

Here are some of the key things that help all companies provide great customer service every time.

Always Putting the Customer First

When asking the question, “what does great customer service mean to you,” your first thought is likely putting the customer first. This is the hallmark of customer-oriented businesses and helps set the tone for your entire operation.

By putting the customer first, you’re promising to do everything you can to make their experience a great one. If they have questions or need help, they take priority over any other work-related tasks you have going on.

Not only will this make your customers feel important, but it will show them that you care about their time.

Treating Every Customer as the Most Important Customer

Customers spend different amounts of money on products and services. But just because someone spends $10 shouldn’t make them less important than the customer who spends $500.

Why? Because you never know when they’ll turn around and spend even more.

Treat every customer as the most important customer you have. When you show people that you value their patronage, no matter what they’re spending, you encourage them to come back to your company in the future. That repeat business makes all the difference and helps set you up for success in the long-run.

Providing Quick Response Times

Nothing is more frustrating for customers than having to wait for answers or service. It makes them feel that you don’t value their support.

Great customer service means speeding up your response times whether you’re dealing with customers over the phone or in person. The faster you can acknowledge their concerns, the sooner they’ll feel heard.

Often, this is what customers want. They want to hear that you understand where they’re coming from, what they’re looking for, and are willing to take steps to help them get what they want.

Investing in the Right Support Technology

Just as customers want to have their concerns heard quickly, they also want the experience to be flawless and as stress-free as possible. This means you’ll need to invest in the right technology to make it happen.

Think of it this way: if you’ve ever called a customer support line only to find it impossible to reach an employee, you’re not alone. Your customers have had the same experience in the past. And in most cases, it ends with the customer hanging up and looking for a different business to support.

Prioritize your customer communications efforts with a CCM system. So, what is CCM? Simply put, CCM is a management system that simplifies your phone-based customer service efforts.

The technology allows you to leverage your existing customer service skills to ensure that customers get the answers they need quickly.

Help Customers Answer Their Own Questions

Businesses with stellar customer service know that not all customers like getting help from the company. Some like to take matters into their own hands and find the answers for themselves. They provide resources to make this easy.

These resources can be something as simple as help articles, FAQs, and explanations about return policies posted on your website. And as changes and updates happen, great customer service dictates that you update those webpages, too.

When you give customers and clients the tools they need to fix problems on their own, you’re able to appeal to more customer types at once. Your customer support team is on-hand to answer questions as needed, but your customers won’t have to depend on them. Remember, not all customers like getting on the phone or heading to the store to get help.

Consistently Reviewing Feedback

Great customer service means constantly listening to both customer and employee feedback, whether it’s good or bad.

Think of it this way: your employees see what works, what doesn’t, and what makes customers happy. If they have suggestions that can make things run more smoothly, listen to them. See if you can implement those changes on a trial basis and make them permanent if they work.

The same holds true to your customers’ feedback. Pay attention to their complements and the things they love most about your services. Look at their complaints and see what you can do to resolve those issues.

By paying attention to feedback, you’re constantly doing what you can to improve.

Staying Ahead of the Game

The best customer-service-oriented businesses are always anticipating the needs and concerns of their customers. This means troubleshooting new product offerings before releasing them and consistently looking for needs that aren’t met in the community.

When you stay ahead of the game and anticipate your customers’ concerns, you can’t help but keep customers happy. And that’s what great customer service is about!

Keeping Employees Happy

Fantastic customer service requires employees who care about your customers and your company. If your employees aren’t happy or feel that you don’t care about their wellbeing, that will translate to their customer service efforts.

Listen to your team and pay attention to their concerns about their duties, the work environment, and the types of tasks you expect them to handle. When they feel that you care and are willing to make changes, they’ll be more enthusiastic about their job.

Only You Can Answer the Question, “What Does Great Customer Service Mean to You?”

No matter where you are in your business journey, take the time to ask yourself “what does great customer service mean to you?” throughout the year. Over time, your answers may change, but those answers can provide insight into how you can improve your company and your operations.

The more you focus on customer service, the more satisfied your customers and clients will be.Looking for more tips on how to improve your company’s daily operations? Check out our latest posts.