Cyber security, what is it and why should we be careful?
Cyber security is the set of tools, policies, actions and technologies that can be applied both to companies and users in the cyber environment. In other words, cyber security consists in the protection of digital information that is found on the Internet and that, thanks to people and their behavior, evolves continuously. In fact, users browse by leaving a trail of information by connecting to a public Wi-Fi network, downloading a file, registering on a website or buying a product, among other usual digital actions.
Ethical hacking
The word ‘hacker’ is on everyone’s lips. There are different points of view regarding their role in society. There are several types of hackers differentiated by their intentions and methods. For this reason, its classification is so extensive that, in many cases, it goes beyond the threshold between good and evil. However, the most recognized are grouped into two categories: ‘white hat’ hackers and ‘black hat’ hackers.
The denomination ‘white hat’ hackers (white hat hackers, or ethical hackers) comes from the identification of the heroes of the old films of the old west, where those who belonged to the side of the well used hats of this color, differentiating themselves from the villains who used the garment in black. These heroes of cyberspace are responsible for penetrating the security of companies to find vulnerabilities and thus prevent them. In general, they work as security consultants and work for a company in the area of computer security.
The ethical hacking course provides learning of tools for data protection and prevention. What is intended is to be constantly ahead of those who try to attack us by doing tests and attacks themselves with the help of computer experts, who have been trained in the criminal mentality of hackers as well as in the different techniques of digital attack.
What are the biggest challenges in cyber security?
Whether big or small, any threat of cyber security must be treated with caution, and no precaution can be taken. Challenges are many, as we have mentioned before, as a result of digital transformation processes, but it may be worth paying special attention to the following:
Cloud Computing
More and more services are being used in the cloud, causing a loss of supervision and control. This loss can mean ignoring the security measures that are required for the business process that technically relies on the cloud. In order to prevent this from happening, it is essential to establish a strategy that includes the necessary security requirements from the moment a new cloud service is requested, including the audit of the security measures applied by each one. of Cloud providers and integration with existing security measures in the organization.
5 tips on cyber security
Security has its beginning in the users themselves. Again, the information that a person provides consciously or unconsciously when registering on a web page or when buying a product online is one of the main reasons that provoke the attack of cybercriminals. Personal data is the most precious treasure of users and, unfortunately, they are easy to obtain, if they do not start a series of recommended practices for anyone.
Public wifi zone.
The least recommended sites to connect to the network are the spaces or wifi areas of public or free access. Airports, squares, hotels and cafeterias have a public Wi-Fi service that can be hacked easily. The main problem is that this type of connection does not require an encryption of the data that circulates between the Internet and the mobile device from which the user is connecting, being vulnerable and prone to being attacked by any cybercriminal.
A safe and simple way to be protected is to use unique codes for each website and a different one for the main email address. To increase the level of security, it is recommended that the user activate the account verification. In this way and similar to what happens in some social networks such as Twitter or Facebook, to be activated, the user will have to go through two phases before being able to access your account, increasing security around your personal information.
Backup copies allow you to store a user’s information, which makes it possible to access it at any time in a secure manner and be protected by different methods such as passwords and identification codes. In this way, the user always has their data in case of any disaster or accident. However, an alleged failure in iCloud, the “cloud” of Apple, already put a year ago in doubt the security of these storage systems. Even so, if used with good judgment, cloud computing is a great advantage, since it allows to have any file anywhere, either to work or to share with other people. Conversely, it is recommended not to use this technology with any file, photo or document that could compromise the integrity or the integrity of others.
It is one of the most used resources to counteract possible cyber attacks. However, it is a tool that, if not complemented by other types of actions, is not as effective. The hackers or cybercriminals increasingly develop more sophisticated viruses and antivirus alone is not able to prevent one hundred per cent of the threats that are on the Web, although it is an essential and fundamental in the cyber security of any Internet item.