A financial advisor is a must for people who deal with property and other financial things such as lending or buying assets and keeping mortgage. Buying or lending a mortgage can be tricky because the cost behind it can differ from both the ends. A financial advisor calculates the cost of a mortgage by keeping in mind the various aspects that includes in. the calculation may get wrong or vary from advisor to advisor. Since, technology is overtaking most of the man power; financial advisor is also being replaced by apps that provide the ease of calculating things fast and accurate. Propillo.com for example helps people in calculating the values for assets and one can rely on it completely before buying or selling a mortgage. One can do the following calculations with the help of robo- advice-

  • Borrow to let- people borrow money to buy a property and then let it to some other party on rent. This helps one calculating the amount that one can borrow according to how much rent one would get for the same property.
  • Cost of buying- some properties are shared by the government. The robo-advice helps one with calculating the amount that one would have to pay subtracting the government amount from the actual cost.
  • Mortgage limit- every person has a certain limit f buying mortgage depending upon the income. The app helps in calculating the mortgage amount one can buy. The final decision of course is upon the lender.
  • Compare deals- the mortgage rates comparison calculation helps in finding out the best over- all value of each mortgage so that one can make a profitable investment for the future. If one has more than a deal to crack then this comparison calculation can help the most for making a wise choice.
  • Remortgaging with cost calculator- this helps in finding out the rate of interest behind a mortgage. New deals and rate hit the market and hence this rate calculator helps one in determining the present rate one is paying and in case it is a loss in comparison to the new deals then one can decide to remortgage under new rates.
  • Interest only mortgage- it is obvious that one would have to pay the entire mortgage amount at the end of the term but one can choose to get an interest only mortgage for the time being. This calculator helps in finding out the amount that one would have to pay per month as interest so that one can decide upon the kind of mortgage one would opt for.

Many other calculations including the above are available with robo- advice propillo.com for example. One can simply register into the web site and get going with the calculation to the best possible outcomes. One would not have to rely upon a person to do the entre algorithmic work. A financial calculation involves in many mathematical algorithms and these calculators are equipped with such algorithms to do the work within minutes for the clients who are seeking financial advice.

Hi, I am Ayushi, a full time blogger and a content writer. I love to write and read and blog all around. I like to guest post on various blogs on different niche and various topics.Official Email id: Ayushi@5bestthings.com