Customer Relationship Management (CRM) aims to build strong relationships with customers by using software that makes things easier for both customers and businesses. 

CRM technology is the best way to keep track of information about your customers, follow up on leads, and find possible sales.

The best free CRM software for small businesses will put all of your data and resources in one place. It will facilitate access to customer tracking information. It will also make sure that your customers have the right experiences when they are thinking about buying something.

With a CRM system, you can look at your sales process and make sure that your small business is giving your customers what you want them to get out of it. With CRM services professional services automation which allow you to look at your workflow and make sure that it is running efficiently. CRM systems also provide customer service tracking so you can gauge how successful your company is in providing good experiences for the customers. Finally, many CRM systems offer predictive analytics which help you understand what marketing strategies are working best for different customer segments and how to target them more effectively.

Features of a great CRM system


Interaction between you and your customers is easier thanks to automation. It is a crucial feature that ensures: 

  • Customer requests are met
  • Informed management 
  • Task competition indication
  • Tracked sales messages


Personalization enables you to streamline the user interface, which streamlines your workflow.

When you change the features of the software to accurately record sales analytics, your business can focus more on making money. 


  • Email integration

Integrating with mail services is one of the standard integrations. You can communicate with your customers by using email automation with your platform.

Sales representatives can use email integration to determine which customers will likely convert. Take appropriate action based on customer feedback collected through newsletters and email campaigns. Additionally, email integration enables clients’ targeted campaigns.

  • Calendar integration 

Calendar integration is beneficial for you and your workers. You and your workers can plan your daily activities without switching between platforms.

Best free CRM software for small businesses

Zoho CRM is made for small businesses because it has features like an easy-to-use interface, automation options, customizable modules, and more.

It is one of the great CRM systems for small businesses, which helps them define workflows, manage leads, and review daily tasks. Small and medium-sized businesses won’t have trouble utilizing this user-friendly backend. 

The KPI monitoring and sales forecasting features will also help you increase your revenue potential.

Up to three users can access the free Zoho CRM at launch. The primary market for this product is small home-based businesses. 


  • A tremendous free version to use first
  • Many valuable features, such as funnel analytics
  • Powerful analytics, reports, and integration with Google
  • Tools for gamification in teams and competitions
  • Fantastic sales forecasting


  • The most desirable features can be pricey.

Is Zoho good for small businesses?

There are two reasons why Zoho CRM is good for small businesses

Firstly, Zoho CRM is a well-known name in the SaaS space. Currently, over 250,000 companies around the world trust Zoho CRM to solve their business problems;

Secondly, it is the best free CRM for small businesses that can help with lead conversion and customer acquisition. It can also increase your business revenue in a short period, which is the primary goal of small businesses at the beginning of their activities. Customerization is a Zoho solution provider that can help you customize your CRM and increase your business revenue.