All websites need to be hosted somewhere, and you might assume that your choice of web host doesn’t matter that much. However, the wrong host can have a severe impact on your online business. For instance, slow page loading times and poor performance can result in higher bounce rates and, consequently, a loss in revenue.

Luckily, with the right plan, your site will run smoothly, which will keep your customers happy and prevent interruptions to conversions. In other words, with the right host, you can ensure you’re maintaining a reliable revenue stream. To help with your decision, visit hostadvice to find reviews on your potential provider.

Read on to learn about four key reasons why web hosting is crucial to your online business’s success.


As an online business, you depend on your website. If your website’s server were to go down, your website would go down, which could lead to a loss of business.

Servers do have occasional downtime for updates and maintenance. However, if you’re using a quality host, they will schedule downtime well in advance so you can be prepared. That being said, if your host requires a lot of downtime, this may be a sign that you should consider a different company. Always research a web host’s uptime history. For example, the web host Green Geeks has an uptime of 99.9%, which means that there is virtually no downtime with this host.


Planning for growth is a part of running a successful online business. This means that you will need a host that can grow with you. For instance, if you’re planning on increasing traffic to your site, you will need to increase your server resources to accommodate this growth. Therefore you need a web host that offers scalability. You also need a plan that makes adding additional resources possible. For instance, it’s not always possible with shared hosting to increase your resources because you’re sharing those resources with other sites on the server; therefore, if you plan on growing, it’s best to choose VPS or dedicated hosting as it is possible to increase your resources with these plans.


Security is a critical factor for your online business, especially if you process payments or handle personal information. Therefore, you must select a web host that offers enhanced security features. These include things like SSL certificates, DDoS protection, custom security rules, and real-time 24/7 monitoring.

You should also consider the type of hosting you use. Shared hosting is much less secure than VPS or dedicated hosting. This is because, with shared hosting, your site can be affected by what happens to other sites on the server. For instance, if a hacker breaks into one site on the server, it can leverage their access to attack other sites on the same shared server. By contrast, with VPS hosting, your site is kept separate from other sites on the server with a virtual partition, making it less likely that a security breach will affect you.

Customer Service

Besides offering you reliable, scalable, and secure hosting options, a web host should provide you with exceptional support. Your web host should be available 24/7 to help you troubleshoot any issues. For example, if your site is running slow, you’ll want that problem solved as soon as possible to reduce the risk to your profits. If you can’t get a hold of someone to help you, your business may suffer. However, if your web host offers knowledgeable personnel 24/7, you can rest assured that your online business won’t suffer unduly no matter what problems arise.


Every online business needs the backing of a reliable web host. Choosing the right web host and plan will ensure that your site is kept up and running, so you never miss a customer. Therefore, the right web host will be dependable, offer scalability and security, and provide reliable and knowledgeable customer support 24/7.