All of us will die at some point, and it is something that you probably never think about, but you could make matters a lot easier for you and your family if you kept everything in order when you are still alive. Your demise is something you should think about more often to organize your life and to enable the ones you leave behind to know your wishes once you are gone, your assets and how they can handle every situation.

Here are some reasons why you need to think about planning for your inevitable demise more often.

You Can Outline The Memorial Service Or The Funeral

In case you need specific activities to be performed at your funeral or memorial service, it would be best if you had that in writing. You can let your family know your dying wishes; therefore, you will be getting rid of planning activities for your family, and this will ensure your wishes are fulfilled once you die. There are a few aspects that you, however, need to consider. In case you want a burial, it would be appropriate to locate a grave plot. You can either purchase a plot or contact a local cemetery to find the appropriate location that suits you. You might also prefer a cremation; therefore, you will need a funeral director. You also need to purchase a cremation urn which you can check out this article for expert advice on buying an urn from online retailers. You probably need a cremation urn retailer who knows how ashes are transferred and knows how to deal with issues that might arise during the emotional period; choose wisely when you are alive. Also, make arrangements with your local funeral home. You might also need to pre-pay all arrangements before your demise so that you leave your family without worries. It could be helpful if you paid ahead of time.

Read More: Finding Affordable Funeral Options

You Plan What Happens After You Die

Planning for your demise involves two aspects; what happens when you are sick and you can’t make decisions, and what happens once you die. You need to prepare your last will that will define what will happen to your property and the executor who will fulfill your wishes once you die. Upon preparing the will, you will need to have at least two witnesses as signatories, to make the documents legally binding.

You Plan What Happens After You Die

You Can Decide On What Happens When You Are Incapacitated

You might be incompetent, ill or incapacitated; therefore, it might be appropriate that you have a living will, a power of attorney along and the medical power of attorney. A power of attorney refers to the person who will attend to your legal or financial matters if you can’t make decisions on your own. Immediately you fall sick, choose a power of attorney and keep in mind that the power will expire upon your demise and control over your finances will automatically shift to the executor on your will.

You Have An Opportunity To Organize Your Life Insurance, Debts, Bills, And Finances

Most of your assets are on your will but remember that some of your financial obligations might be left with your loved ones. It is essential to organize your finances so that your successors can quickly get the documents they need. Your life insurance policy, retirement plans, pension plan, and annuities are essential documents that you need to organize since they can easily be overlooked. In case your heirs fail to know that the policies and accounts exist, they might fail to claim, and upon the unfortunate event, the valuables will go to the state. Ensure that you gather all policies and place them in an open place when you are still alive.

You Can Secure Your Life Digitally And Give The Keys To A Close Person

You must hand over your digital life keys as you prepare for your demise. This step ensures your heirs have access to your financial details and have the power to close services that you no longer need. For instance, they can shut down your Facebook account in case you don’t need your digital record to stick around. Write down a list of usernames and passwords and include the instructions of how you will want the accounts handled.There you have it, preparation for your death should begin when you are still alive. It is essential to think about your life goals and make necessary decisions about how you wish to be buried then share it with your loved ones. By following the above prescriptions, you can almost be sure that your end of life preferences will be honored.