Amid the ever-evolving digital landscape, social media has worked hard to stand in competition with powerful channels in modern marketing. It has suffered, lived, and conquered those channels to keep its place at the top.

Fierce competition. Changing interests. Advancement in technology. Privacy Regulation. Social comprises of all these factors that come together in a melting pot as infuriating as it is powerful.

That said, to help you keep up with the constantly changing social media marketing world, we have compiled a list of top trends that you need to watch out for in 2020.

Video Content Will Continue To Rule

There’s no denying the fact that video content is dominating the marketing world as of today. And the below-mentioned stats depict that it will continue to rule the marketing landscape throughout the year.

  • 92% of users tend to share videos on mobile devices.
  • 72% of customers prefer watching a product’s video than reading about it.
  • Video content has more social shares than both image and text content.
  • Websites with video have a higher dwell time and engagement rate.

All these stats speak volumes about the importance of video content present online. So, brands wanting to survive and thrive in the year 2020 must understand that informative videos are the future. They need to up their game and invest in creating such type of content rather than sitting the sidelines.

Stories Will Set A Higher Mark

Social stories are going to be royalty in the marketing landscape. The short news feed introduced by Snapchat was earlier considered a teenage craze that would fade away with time. But that’s not what happened.

Instead, it became a popular trend that promoted visual content rather than text-heavy. Enlisted below are some stats that illustrate the wide range of marketing opportunities offered by stories.

  • Stories are growing faster than feeds, which means they are more engaging.
  • More than 62% of users get attracted to a brand after seeing it in a story.

With the rising popularity of social media stories, marketers now have a perfect channel to capitalize on users’ innate fear of missing out. Another way by which marketers can benefit from the same is by adding polls and asking questions. They can gather insights and use the data to improve engagement.

Social Commerce Will Go Mainstream

The marriage between eCommerce and social media was the most applauded tie-up in 2019. And this is what everyone in the marketing world will be focusing on, in 2020.

Various studies reveal that Gen Z shops on social media three times more than the average consumer in 2019. And it is predicted that social commerce will go mainstream in the coming time.

Providing internet users the opportunity to shop through social media (in the form of shoppable posts) has opened the stage to practice genuine marketing efforts offering an excellent user experience.

The growing popularity of social commerce in 2020 will give consumers instant gratification and access to a flawless purchasing process.

Digital Detox Will Be The New Black

The usage of social media around the world is ever-increasing. However, despite the stats, more people will go on a digital detox as the year 2020 proceeds.

Due to the invasion of privacy by social media apps, many users have deleted their accounts and exiled such channels. These privacy dangers posed by social platforms are making people feel anxious and worried about their personal information. This justifies the digital detox.

To recover from this loss, marketers will have to change their strategies and work harder in order to impress their target audience. They need to invest in mobile application development as much as they do in web development in Greenville, SC.

Final Thoughts

Social media channels are no longer the places used only to facilitate the sharing of information; they have now become marketing platforms that help generate more sales for various products and services. Such kind of marketing is not new but still ripe and relevant as ever. Therefore, to stay ahead of the competition, brands must stay updated with marketing trends and work with firms of social media marketing in Greenville, SC, to foster the interest of the ever-changing market.