The beginning of the 21st century is known as the boom of technology development. Even 10 years ago, it would be impossible to imagine voice assistants, video-chats, online shopping and many other things. It speaks of the fact, that leading companies are constantly updating their legacy software. So, the main question is why do the companies need to use legacy system modernization?

Is it better to support old software or make a revolution?

As current users are becoming more technologically educated, their demands are growing. They prefer comfort, speed and low prices. So, the companies need to provide unstoppable and technological client experience. It helps companies survive in the competition. 

So, here the question arises – is your old software system able to provide such offers to please all the client’s demands? Though technologies are constantly updating, big companies need to adjust to current demands and as a result, update the system software. If you want to be on the same wave as the clients, you need to follow the trend. One needs to update the software that sometimes looks quite awkward in the present time.

Instead of repairing and replacing an old legacy system, the majority of corporations prefer to modernize the working old-fashioned systems. The main reason for it is to save up old investments. Some managers claim, that sometimes it seems cheaper to invest in old decisions. In fact, it can be so, but in a long-term period, this idea can ruin the company.

The reasons for modernization

In fact, it is hard to define the exact number of reasons to use legacy system modernization. There can be lots of them. We will try to find the most important:

  1. Supporting old software is extremely expensive;
  2. New technologies enhance productivity;
  3. New decisions are safer.

Now, let’s look at all these reasons in detail.

Supporting old software is extremely expensive

According to statistics, about 80% of profit is spent on supporting old software. It is hard to believe, but it is really so. Keeping old software and supporting its proper work is extremely expensive. Such systems were created some time ago to match the demands of the current time. Since that time, lots of things might have been changed. So, it requires updates. It is hard to find suitable solutions for old software. Even if it is possible, they can be extremely high in price. 

Besides, it becomes almost impossible to find suitable specialists who will service the software. Lots of the companies, trying to save up, have to pay extreme sums for supporting the systems. It will be quite reasonable to look at the opportunity of updating the systems. 

In fact, the process includes 2 steps. The first step implies looking for the elements that are still working. They don’t need to be updated. The second step is to look for the elements that are not actual. It is reasonable to update only those apps that are technologically actual for business.

The reduction of the price in service is the main reason why companies should pay attention to new technologies.

New technologies enhance the productivity

As the technologies are developing, your business must suit the current demands. However, when the company is connected with old-fashioned software, it is hard to make any improvements. First of all, it is because of the absence of necessary skills. Except for this, the technology itself can be old enough to make any improvements there. The inability to use modern technologies can make the activity quite difficult. It leads to dissatisfaction of the clients and as a result, the reduction of profit.

Legacy system modernization lets us uncover the dangers of using old-fashioned technologies. Instead of replacing the old system and creating a new one from the very beginning, the service of modernization let the companies unite the elements that are still working properly. It allows creating something new. Implementing new functions in the current system helps overcome the ineffectiveness of old current software. 

It gives the companies chances to solve problems, influencing their productivity. It helps enhance the chances of automatization and IT-solutions optimization. It leads to increasing operating effectiveness. 

New decisions are safer

Old-fashioned software is more subjected to hacks. As the software is getting old, it will be hard to get updates in the security system. It leads to the fact, that personal data of the company and the clients might be stolen. Besides, the most terrible thing is to restore the data. It leads to a big number of dangers created by plotters. They can use old SSL and Java exploits to hack the system. 

As the result, the company may lose important and valuable information. So, the modernization of the system allows the companies to improve functions and strengthen the security system. New technologies are based on the leading developments in the security system. They can help in preventing cyber-attacks and investigate them in case of its happen. Besides, companies can use new SSL encryption to reduce risks.


In general, every company must decide personally what to do with the software. Sometimes it is quite reasonable to use old models if they are working properly. Nevertheless, it can lead to stagnation. Sooner or later, you will understand that you can gain more, but the software won’t be able to put your ideas into practice.

The main thing why business is afraid of investing in new technologies is the fear of facing something unknown. Partially, it is really so. At the same time, the market offers new skills for supporting new systems. It is easier to find a specialist who will handle the current system.

The final reason why businessmen prefer keeping to old-fashioned software is the price of renovations. Sometimes investments in updating may cost a lot of money. If you compare the expenses on supporting old software and investments in renovation, the difference will be quite visible. Besides, a renovated system will allow the business to forget about stability problems for some time. It reduces the risks of hacks and can enhance the productivity of the company. It is better to pay once to update the system than waste money on something that is not working properly.