Reaching your target audience can feel like trying to hit a target blindfolded when you don’t know how to do it, and even when you figure that out, social media algorithms may bury your content regardless. Whether you are managing the organization’s social media account yourself, or if you have a dedicated department for that, here are some tips on how you can get ahead of the curve and stay there.

1. Design A Web App

Having a website for your business or company is essential, but so is having one compatible with mobile devices. Forgetting this can lose valuable customers as most people use their phones when browsing. Your organization can utilize custom software integration to create a unique and immersive experience for visitors, which will get them talking about your products and services. 

Whether you design a storefront or a hub for your social media, focus on accessibility and creating a user-friendly interface. Don’t try to go over the top with design elements that clutter the screen. Focus instead on a clean design that explains who your organization is and what its mission is.

2. Keep An Eye On Hashtags

Engagement is key to getting noticed. No one can recognize your organization if they’ve never heard of it! Build a rapport with other users by commenting on posts related to your industry. See what hashtags are being used most actively, and find a few that are less popular so you can have more reach.  

Starting a hashtag campaign can also give your organization the boost it needs to take off. These campaigns get the conversation started on serious topics like #MeToo or encourage people to try out various challenges. Successful campaigns will get people talking about your organization.

3. Hold Contests and Giveaways

One way to engage with your target audience is to hold a contest or product giveaway. Art contests are always a good choice, as are caption contests. Offering your audience a chance to show their skill, talents, and wit is a great way to reach out and create a community around your organization. 

When you announce a contest or giveaway, include tagging two or three friends as part of the entry requirements so that more users will notice your page, as people who already know will share it with their friends. Make sure the contest is related to the industry your organization is part of.

4. Explore Advertisements

you won’t get far without advertising. Look into whether paid ads would benefit you. Sponsored ads may put you off at first, but consider that a paid ad is guaranteed to be seen by multiple users, so it is the perfect opportunity to talk about your organization. Make it snappy and witty to increase engagement and get users talking about your platform.

Most social media outlets allow for paid advertisements and offer several types of packages for the duration of the ad. Facebook allows you to even set a budget for spending! Look over your options and see if sponsored ads would help you increase your organization’s reach.

Final Thoughts

Growing your audience is a full-time job when it comes to keeping up with the latest digital trends. Your organization would benefit from dedicating a role to solely managing your online presence with how much work is involved. When you share information about your company, be sure to utilize relevant hashtags to start a conversation and hold giveaways to increase engagement. Think about using sponsored ads in addition to these other methods to take advantage of every opportunity to grow your business.