Traveling around the world has got to be one of the most rewarding experiences. Getting to see other countries up close and personal is something that, once you do it, you are practically going to get addicted.

Whether you call it wanderlust, the travel bug, or just the need to get away, you should take advantage of any opportunity you have to travel abroad.

However, aside from a passport, there a number of countries that require a visa in order to visit. Read on to see our list of five popular countries requiring tourist visas.

Traveling Around The World

Compared to citizens of many countries, Americans generally have it easier when it comes to international travel. Your passport is usually enough to get you into the majority of countries if you are there for tourist purposes.

Foreigners visiting the US, for example, need to be granted visas in order to visit. They have to go through a tedious application process and there is no guarantee they won’t be denied, even if they covered all the requisites.

So, which countries require a visa? What are the visa requirements for American citizens? We’ll cover that and more.

Five Countries That Require A Visa

You can travel to many countries with just a passport. So, when do you need a visa?

The answers may surprise you. Make sure everything in order before booking.

1. Australia

Australia has it all. Its warm climate, beautiful beaches, and natural wonders make it a favorite tourist destination world over. The ex-penal colony is now one of the nicest countries you can visit.

If you have any plans of going down under, however, you better make sure to get a visa or you won’t be allowed in the country.

An ESTA visa can simplify this process.

2. China

China boasts not only the highest population in the world, but they are also one of the oldest and richest cultures. From the ports of Shanghai to the vast mountains of Tibet, you could spend a lifetime in this country without seeing every part.

To enter China, with the exception of Hong Kong, you need a visa. Visas for Americans cost about $140.

3. Bolivia

Bolivia is a beautiful country whose landscape is dominated by the Andes Mountains. The South American country shares borders with several countries, including Peru and Brazil.

If you want to see the Salar de Ayuni and other natural wonders of Bolivia, be aware this is one of the countries requiring visas for Americans.

4. India

India is so vast that it can be considered its own subcontinent. There are countless holy sites and examples of ancient Indian architecture to visit.

You will need a visa. If you intend to stay less than 30 days solely for tourism purposes, you can apply electronically.

5. Cuba

For many years, Americans couldn’t travel to Cuba due to political reasons. However, the tensions have died down enough to allow commerce and tourism for citizens for both nations.

This is great news because Cuba is a beautiful island nation with a rich culture.

You still need to acquire a tourist visa, however.

Expand Your Horizons

You should get to see as much of the world as possible while you can. It is something you will never forget and it will make you all the wiser.

Although your passport alone will open many borders for you, there are countries that require a visa.

Stay informed before traveling abroad to avoid headaches later on.