Buying jewelry for your partner may seem like an impossible task. There are so many choices to choose from. 

Should you choose gold or silver? Should you go with her birthstone or a name brand?This helpful guide lists 5 essential tips for buying jewelry for your partner that she will love. 

1. Pay Attention to What She Wears

The best jewelry to buy is the type of jewelry your partner wears most often. Pay attention to the type of jewelry she wears most often and you’ll begin to notice a pattern. 

If your partner doesn’t wear bracelets or dangle earrings, then stay away from purchasing those types of accessories. A necklace buying guide can tell you what necklaces look best with various necklines. Choose necklaces that pair nicely with the types of tops she frequently wears. 

2. Buy What She Likes

If your partner prefers white gold buy white gold. Don’t buy what you think she should wear or what may look better on her. Your partner will appreciate jewelry that looks like pieces she already loves and wears daily. 

A jewelry buying guide can’t tell you what your partner likes. Pay attention to what she says she likes. Women are not subtle and often leave little hints. Picking up on these hints can help you decide what type of jewelry she really wants. 

3. Ask Her Girlfriends

When all else fails you can always ask her girlfriends. Your partner’s friends know her style and can help point you in the right direction. 

Buying good jewelry is always easier with a little guidance from friends or family who know your partner best. Don’t be afraid to ask. She will appreciate that you took the time to find out what she likes. 

4. Bigger Isn’t Always Better

If your partner likes big stones and you can afford it, go for it! But bigger doesn’t always mean better when it comes to jewelry. 

Just because a piece is bigger or more expensive doesn’t mean that it is better. Many different wholesale necklaces look amazing and won’t break the bank. 

Some women prefer dainty jewelry too. If your partner works in a conservative office setting or is a nurse at a hospital look for smaller settings that won’t interfere with her work or look flashy. That way she can wear your gift all the time. 

5. Buy Quality Jewelry

Your jewelry doesn’t have to be a name brand but it should be a quality piece. Look for quality jewelry that will hold up to wear and sparkle for many years to come. 

If you’re wondering how to buy jewelry, look for real gold or silver and quality craftsmanship. Ask about warranties or guarantees too. Warranties are often a sign of quality. If you’re looking to buy quality jewelry for your partner, you can shop at Adinas Jewels and find the perfect piece.

Read More: The Best Everyday Jewelry for Every Woman

Buying Jewelry Doesn’t Have to be Difficult

No matter what you end up choosing your partner is going to love her gift because it came from you. Buying jewelry is hard the first time you do it buy it gets easier as you go and learn more about your partner’s tastes. 

Use these 5 essential tips and you’re sure to pick out a perfect piece she will treasure. 

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