The choice of web hosting is an important decision you will have to make when designing your website. A simple Google search shows thousands of web hosting companies offering what looks to be the same deal on the surface. Sadly, not all of them are genuine.
There are many things that can go wrong when you choose the wrong web host provider. You might experience issues ranging from loss of data, poor security, downtime, slow website and more. These problems affect your brand integrity and cost you, visitors.
Choosing a web host is like choosing a new home. There is no one-size fit for all companies but the factors we discuss below should offer more insight that will help you make the best choice.
What Should you Consider when Choosing a Web Host in 2020?
Remember: Reading reviews before buying any hosting is a good thing but you get Many paid reviews on the Internet for hosting providers. We Recommend Frankyreviews to read honest hosting reviews.
Data Centre Locations
In the past, the first thing you looked for when choosing a web host was the network and server uptime percentages. These days most hosting companies provide up to 99.5% uptime.
Instead of worrying about uptime, which is guaranteed with the best hosting companies, consider the data center locations of your web host. It plays a crucial role in the speed of your website. Good web host companies have several data centres spread across the globe. This ensures that your website loads quickly irrespective of your visitor’s location.
Consider your Website Needs
To design the perfect website or choose the best web hosting company in New Zealand, you must identify your website hosting needs. Do you need specific Windows applications? Will your website require special support for a script such as PHP? What size of traffic volume are you expecting?
Without a generic estimate of the number of visitors your website will receive, you’ll end up paying too much for a large server or too little for a small server.
If you’re building a blog, WordPress hosting is ideal. WordPress powers over a quarter of all websites on the internet. Good hosting companies include unlimited storage, upgraded hardware, pre-installed programs, and dedicated support.
Online stores should consider a specialized e-commerce hosting plan. Such a plan provides measures that protect consumer information access to shopping, cart software, and email marketing tools.
If you need something simple such as a portfolio website, a website builder should suffice. It is a quick and painless way to produce a professional website that showcases your work.
Established Security Measures
Cybersecurity is a huge concern for all companies. Choose a web hosting company with a proven record of securing its customer’s websites. They should have protocols that mitigate against cyber attacks.
Many companies who have suffered from cyber-attacks experienced downtime due to DDoS. Over 40% of websites are compromised by vulnerabilities from the web host. Ensure that your preferred web host offers DDoS protection, encryption, security add-ons, monitoring services, and a web application firewall.
Options for Server Upgrading
Many web hosts have improved their shared hosting plans. It is sufficient to support a website that receives 30,000-40,000 visitors every month. Your server suffers when more people than the maximum connect to your website at the same time. Your web hosting will be fine if you limit your concurrent database connections to below 20.
When your hosting need increases, you can scale up to a VPS hosting, cloud hosting or dedicated hosting plan. It is important to have a hosting partner that is flexible enough to support your business.
Proprietary Caching Technology
Web host companies list the types of servers, storage specs, memory and processors you get with a hosting plan. The truth is that almost every hosting company utilizes the same type of hardware which means similar specs.
Focus on the proprietary caching technology that the web host offers. Premium caching speeds up page loading time and improves the user experience. It is more powerful when combined with a content delivery network.
Customer Service
A web host provider must offer a knowledgeable and responsive technical support team. You want your provider to fix issues as soon as it happens. They should offer 24/7 support via email, phone, and live chat. Read online reviews and check social media mentions to determine if they have good support and how they are rated.
You can filter out results by searching specific phrases like “Host B sucks”, “Host B downtime” and “Host B site hacked.” It should give you an insight into how companies deal with issues. Check the date of the search result to ensure it’s relevant and current.
Storage and RAM
While unlimited storage might not be technically possible, most small business owners do not come close to reaching the limits. You’ll enjoy the most space in a VPS or dedicated plan. The major thing to look for is a solid-state drive, which is more reliable and faster for web hosting. They are more expensive than the average disk drive but come with higher capacities.
Domains and E-mail
Domain names are cheap. According to Web Hosting Talk’s Survey, 80% of voters own more than 5 domains and 20% own over 50 domains. You need more hosting space to house the extra domains.
Although they get lumped together, web hosting and domain registration are separate entities. The domain name is your website address. You can register your domain name with one company and buy hosting from another company. For easy management, it’s best to keep your web hosting and domain in the same account.
For webmasters who have multiple sites, you’ll need multiple databases. Your host provider should offer sufficient databases for the initial setup. It should also be scalable. MySQL is the most common type of database used by CMS and e-commerce sites. If you need SQLite or PostgreSQL ensure they offer it.
Signup vs Renewal Prices
Hosting deals are cheapest at signup. Most often come at a higher renewal price so read the fine print before clicking “buy” on that 80% discount plan. For instance, a host might offer an unlimited package as part of the perks of signing up. What they don’t tell you is that your site can be shut down without warning when it grows in traffic.
Remember that while there are thousands of options to choose from, not all plans are right for you. Determine your hosting needs, read online reviews, ensure they provide premium security and other juicy features that make it easy to manage your website(s). For more information on web hosting, visit OPENHOST NZ Webhositng