A reckless driver takes the lives of 5 young women in Minneapolis

Five young women were killed, last Friday, in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, as a result of a speeding car crashing into a car they were in while they were preparing to attend a friend’s wedding the next day.

Police said the victims were between 17 and 20 years old.

And the American “CBS” network stated that the driver of the car that collided with the girls, who were members of the Muslim community, had crossed a red traffic light before the police stopped him while he was trying to flee the scene.

The authorities believe that he was not in a normal condition.

Khaled Omar, director of the local Dar Al-Farouq Mosque, said that the community “has never witnessed an accident similar to it before,” while a member of the local council, Jamal Omran, called for the need for “justice to take its course” against the “reckless” driver who survived, while taking the lives of five. Girls who had a future ahead of them.”

A fundraising campaign was launched for the families of the victims, which, as of sunday afternoon, had collected $300,000.


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