It is not easy to get Instagram followers, likes or views per video as one would have wished for even though Instagram has over a billion monthly users. Instagram has become a very competitive place for brands and individuals who want to get started and keep growing. If you’re going to stand out, sell off your brand to the rest of the world and get more likes on Instagram, then you have to be smarter and work even harder. The question most people ask is, how best can I increase my Instagram followers and likes? That question is what this article is going to address. The following are the best ways to improve your Instagram audience and engagement.
Make use of Instagram story templates.
Instagram followers love reading stories and viewing awesome pictures. You making use of Instagram story templates ensures that you can communicate well and capture the heart of new followers and likes. Let your stories speak for your brand and get you more followers and likes on Instagram. You can buy or use free templates from apps like Canva, survey and unfold. This is an excellent way of buying real Instagram followers thus reaching out to millions of people.
Create branded and Complete Instagram profiles.
What does your Instagram profile look like and reflect? A good profile is the most initial step that can make you get more likes on Instagram or not. Your profile should be on point to entice and make a great impression that allows followers to click not only the follow button but also stay glued to like more of your Instagram content. Your profile should make it easier for new followers to decide in seconds that they are going to follow you and quickly scroll your content liking what you have about your brand.
Build projects that are influence a long-lasting effect
Building such projects is done by partnering with an influencer for your brand to keep and get more followers and likes on Instagram. The main aim of influencer marketing is to build loyalty and trust with your followers. To succeed in this, you have to work with your influencers on extended projects and make them ambassadors of your brands. Influencers bring consistency and trust to your followers. When you use influencer once, your posts can be considered like an Ad hence losing the precise meaning of what you intended to communicate.
Also, when choosing an influencer, ensure that he/she has a great passion for your brand. Such zeal and energy put in advertising, and regular posting on Instagram helps you get more likes and more followers.
Market your brand on other platforms.
Marketing your brand on Instagram alone might not give you more followers. Nothing compares with the happiness that you get when you see a long list of Instagram follower on your account. It’s time to be creative to implement a new strategy to get more followers and likes on Instagram. Use other marketing channels like YouTube, Twitter, website, Facebook and email newsletter. This comprehensive marketing strategy will help lead your audience and introduce new followers to your Instagram page.
Promoting your Instagram content on different platforms using different channels is not hard. When using other platforms, you can share a preview of you your brand and invite your audience to check out the full picture on your Instagram page. Promoting your content on different platforms needs you to use catchy words, images and lure your audience to see more on your Instagram page. You can also use your email marketing campaign to get more followers on Instagram. And if you are also using OnlyFans then you can use your Instagram page to direct traffic there. Follower can help you grow your OnlyFans following while you’re also growing your Instagram following.
Work together with other brands.
Joint force and collaboration are a perfect way of success in business. Working together with a complimentary business brand introduces a new audience to your profile, and this, in turn, adds your followers and likes on your Instagram page. Collaborations also help grow your business. Teaming up with other business partners is a little bit cheaper as compared to working alone.
Use your creative brand stories to get more followers on Instagram.
The use of AR (Augmented Reality) helps you generate custom stories of your brand on Instagram and other channels. For example, Facebook in 2008 launched Spark AR Studio that allows brands to create their custom AR filters for Instagram stories. Many companies like Adidas use this to create unique accounts of events on Instagram. Create your AR with other more prominent brands, and by so doing, many people will try to find out who has written that and in return you can get more followers and likes. It is an excellent way of buying likes on Instagram without using any amount of cash.
In conclusion, having more likes and follows on Instagram can be challenging but the use of strategies, useful techniques, putting more effort and persistence helps you get more followers and likes. Keep your content more creative and try to target the right audience by learning and knowing what your audience enjoys reading. Getting more Instagram followers promotes your business.