The insurance company might act as if they are on your side after a car accident, but this is not the case. Their assurance that they can help you regardless of the time you had a car crash is far from the truth. They use various tactics to force you to accept the lowest financial offer possible. This is especially true when you are not represented by an attorney. Here are some of the common tricks insurance companies can use on you:
They give a low settlement offer
If you see that the insurance adjuster offers you a settlement immediately after the accident, perhaps it’s much lower than what you’re entitled to receive. Remember that insurance people are highly trained and they can realize that you would rather receive money now than wait for the legal process to get your money. Worse still, some insurance companies can even deny your claim deliberately despite being valid.
Insurance companies are aware that they can get in a legal fight by denying your claim, but they know that the strategy saves them money. If they deny your claim and don’t hire an attorney to represent you, it’s almost impossible to win the case. It’s important to note that insurance companies have their attorneys responsible for fighting claims like yours.
As a result, they will try common insurance company tricks to delay making any settlement for as long as possible hoping that you may give up. Even if they have to make a settlement at a later stage, their money still earns interest and profits throughout the negotiation process.
Read More: How to Get the Best and Most Accurate Car Insurance Quotes
The statements are used against you
It’s pretty easy to be tempted into believing that insurance personnel are working for your interests when they are getting statements. However, the statements are used against you to reduce or deny your claim. Adjusters or insurance personnel are trained to detect any signs you show of liability or inconsistencies with the claim you make. If you say anything that can be regarded as contradictory, they will use that statement against you.
Remember that every conversation with insurance personnel is tricky. The bottom line is you must talk and cooperate with your insurance company after making an insurance claim. However, you should be careful when speaking with the party at-fault’s insurance company. The best thing to do is to hire a lawyer to speak with the other insurance company on your behalf.
Thankfully, the law requires insurance companies to act in good faith when assessing your insurance claim. If you think the insurance adjuster is negotiating or investigating your claim in bad faith, you can file a lawsuit against them. If they are found guilty, they can likely pay you punitive damages. It’s highly recommended to hire a lawyer if you see that your case is taking ages to move forward. A personal injury attorney can fight against the insurance company to get the financial settlement you deserve.