Depression Signs You Need To Know

Depression Signs

Depression Signs? It’s normal to feel and sad when things are not going well or when grieved. It’s all part of human nature to show emotions when something bad happens when your self-esteem takes a hit or during life’s struggles. However, when the feeling persists over an extended period, then depression may be kicking in. If you notice that you are gripped by relentless sadness or hopeless, then it’s time to start paying close attention to your feelings. Depression may not sound like an actual illness, but it is.

Depression is a real health issue with real symptoms, both physical and emotional, and requires inpatient treatment for depression. It can prevent you from living an active life. If symptoms are detected early, your doctor can help you manage them. Below are some depression signs that you should be on the lookout for in case you think you are depressed. However, note that human beings experience these symptoms now and then. In the same measure, not all depressed people will experience all these signs. If you experience some of them over a long period, then it is better to consult your psychotherapist.

Depression Signs

1Changed Feelings

Depression is majorly a mood disorder. It affects your self-esteem. It is the way you feel about yourself and life. If you start feeling low and hopeless about your life, it could be that you are starting to develop depression. When depressed words such as “I’m worthless,” “my life has no meaning” or “it’s my fault” are a huge part of your speech, you should check for depression. Other feelings associated with depression include self-loath, constant guilt, irritability and undeserving.

2Loss of Interest

Another significant symptom is losing interest in the things you once enjoyed and loved. However much you do them or have them, you don’t get pleasure and joy from them. It may be that you once enjoyed a certain sport-football, basketball, swimming or you always looked forward to hanging out with friends, playing Xbox or PlayStation. However, when suffering from depression, such activities don’t appeal to you anymore. Reduced sex drive is also another symptom of depression.

3Fatigue and Disrupted Sleep Pattern

Decreased interest in the activities your hobbies and activates you used to enjoy can be attributed to fatigue. A person suffering from depression lacks energy and has an overwhelming feeling of lethargy. Your lack of energy will lead to either lack of sleep or excessive sleeping. Even worse, you may start to suffer from insomnia. These depression symptoms are the most notable and most devastating you can experience. Furthermore, lack of sleep and rest ultimately leads to anxiety.

4Unexpected Changes in Appetite and Weight

When you are suffering from depression, you experience unintentional dietary changes. The way it affects your appetite and weight can work in two ways. One, you will lose your appetite and consequently lose weight. Loss of appetite may happen when you lose interest in eating, or you don’t find meals as delicious as they used to be. Therefore, you eat less often. This is a common depression symptom. The second way depression affects your appetite is by increasing your cravings for junk and other foodstuffs. Your improved appetite leads to unintended weight gain. Overeating can result from feelings of sadness or worthlessness.

5Unexplained Muscle Weaknesses and Joint Pains

Aches and pains and depression are usually intertwined. A person suffering from joint pains and aches may develop depression and vice versa. Unexplained muscle weakness and body pains can be credited to a lack of exercise and fatigue which are also symptoms of depression. When suffering from depression, you tend to be preoccupied with your physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle pains, and back pains.

Depression does have a variety of manifestations. Its symptoms are connected, and it is not difficult to determine if one is suffering from this disorder. Some people experience it through behavioral symptoms and some through emotional and or physical symptoms.